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  1. HistoryPuff

    104W CFLs Soil - 2 Fem. Bubblelicious

    Word, napa. Okay so here's the update. Today is Day 6 and I'll be watering before I put the plants to bed. Temps are still running a lil higher than I want them so I may try to get a better fan or move my cab this weekend. I also need to prepare for the smell soon. Dumbledore Snape
  2. HistoryPuff

    Napa23's 2nd go at auto Blue Mystic

    looks awesome
  3. HistoryPuff

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    it's great advice if that person is unsure about using nutes...
  4. HistoryPuff

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    Definition of WEED 1 a (1) : a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants (2) : a weedy growth of plants Don't go out pretending like you're this big genius.
  5. HistoryPuff

    104W CFLs Soil - 2 Fem. Bubblelicious

    Hey, today is Day 4 and here is your update. Yesterday I increased the light cycle from 12/12 to 18/6 because growth would be very slow and it doesn't make that much sense so I will keep it on this cycle for 1-2 weeks and then flip it back to 12/12. I may add two more lights which I took out...
  6. HistoryPuff

    Look good for 4 days old? First Grow

    I thought bubb wasn't supposed to smell bad. uh oh : /
  7. HistoryPuff

    104W CFLs Soil - 2 Fem. Bubblelicious

    thanks, OG ; )
  8. HistoryPuff

    B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..

    that is a strange plant haha the leaves look like kudzu almost. cool.
  9. HistoryPuff

    Look good for 4 days old? First Grow

    Your plants look great, man. Especially for a first timer. Can't wait to see your harvest.
  10. HistoryPuff

    104W CFLs Soil - 2 Fem. Bubblelicious

    Hey, thanks lulu. Yeah for my next grow I'm just going to do the normal light cycle of 18/6 for the whole grow, but this one is just kinda practice I guess you can say. This one has to stay on the down low because of my roommates.
  11. HistoryPuff

    104W CFLs Soil - 2 Fem. Bubblelicious

    Hey all, I've been planning to grow some Feminizied Autoflower Bubblelicious seeds for a while and I've been building a growbox which I have given up on since I am going to just build a custom box once I get a few more paychecks. Here's what I'm working with: Feminized autoflower...
  12. HistoryPuff

    MFGB: My First Grow Box

    6500k and 2700k are all about the spectrum of light that is being put out. You know how it feels brighter in the summer but you notice a warmer light in the winter? 6500k puts out a "white light" to describe it casually, and 2700k has a more warm or yellow color. Luminosity just deals with...
  13. HistoryPuff

    MFGB: My First Grow Box

    a staplegun will be overkill if you're trying to save money. Scotch tape works fine for me.
  14. HistoryPuff

    MFGB: My First Grow Box

    How many plants were you going to start on your first round? You probably only have like 50-80 bucks of stuff left to buy. You could either get y's now, or just buy higher wattage cfls like 42W instead of 26 or whatever. It is a good idea to keep the lighting fixture in once place. The shelves...
  15. HistoryPuff

    Stealth grow cab discussion/invention/innovation

    I would love to see a pic of your filing cabinet! It seems like a hard piece of equipment to turn into a grow cab. I wanted something I could lock, but I'll probably be fine with what I have.
  16. HistoryPuff

    My Steralite CFL Grow

    maybe you didn't get it. that's okay.
  17. HistoryPuff

    First Grow!!! 6 CFL stealth case Barneys Farm LSD 1 plant

    With CFLs, you will almost never have too much light. Stick as many of those as you want in there. Not sure about the nute burn, but they don't look as bad as they could all things considered
  18. HistoryPuff

    Stealth grow cab discussion/invention/innovation

    Yeah it worked fine for me too.. I'll just do some reading the night before and decide what method I want to use. I'm only doing two seeds so I may just put them in the pots
  19. HistoryPuff

    MFGB: My First Grow Box

    Not gonna lie, man. You're making this look pretty legit. Keep it up.