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  1. allgetout

    Best Concert Experience

    The Flaming Lips was a life changing experience... i cried at the beginning of do you realize... just a tear though, nothing gay haha
  2. allgetout

    Personal Grow Op

    Bump please
  3. allgetout

    Personal Grow Op

    I'm sure this is a commonly asked question, i just had trouble getting the information i wanted from a search. Essentially i want to grow a small amount of weed (enough to supply myself and a couple of friends) we smoke about an oz a month combined. Is there an efficient and simple way to grow...
  4. allgetout

    HeD Shop names across the USA.

    wonderland, up in smoke, 42 degrees, cloud 420, the bead
  5. allgetout

    Drug Test Question

    I was charged with a whole menagre of things 2 for underaged possession of alcohol, one for > half a gram of weed, one for a bowl, and one for adderall for which i didnt have proof of prescription although i am prescribed for a total of 5 misdemeanors.
  6. allgetout

    Drug Test Question

    This is my court date for the violation, no probation or anything yet. So, you dont think they'll test me in court? I heard that sometimes if you can piss clean on the day of trial they'll consider a lighter punishment... i dunno. i've never even gotten a speeding ticket for fucks sake so i'm...
  7. allgetout

    Drug Test Question

    :bigjoint: Also, toke for me since i cant! :joint:
  8. allgetout

    Drug Test Question

    I recently ran into some legal issues (arrested) and have a court date set for the 3rd of feb. I quit smoking as soon as i got in trouble which was the 12th. I'm a tall skinny motherfucker (6'2" 130lbs) and barely have any fat but i've smoked about an 8th every week to two weeks for the past 2...
  9. allgetout

    North Carolina Legal Help

    No one consented to a search. I know it dosen't matter if i knew it was there... thats the same as 'i was just holding it for a friend officer'. I also thought it was suspicious that the lady sold it to us then called bulllshit... i dunno. I'm going to talk to a lawyer and see that they say.
  10. allgetout

    North Carolina Legal Help

    We got pulled over in NC because my buddy went into a gas station and bought beer with his fake ID and the gas station attendant reported it. When we were pulled over we were told it was for "poking along" on the icy road. He got the drivers ID and the guy who bought the beer's ID. He asked if...
  11. allgetout

    Sleep problems

    Well, my dad has had problems sleeping recently and also had problems with the nerve endings in his feet. I was hoping you guys could give me any articles that say weed would help with his problem. I tried suggesting it but him being extremely conservative was not open to the idea. However if he...
  12. allgetout

    Vaporizor smell

    Damn pony... you gave me a complete buyers guide! I'll look into these models and see what the local guy has to offer (i prefer to buy local if possible) but that's awesome. If he dosent have anything i'll go online and scoop one of these. I appreciate the help.
  13. allgetout

    Vaporizor smell

    Thanks for the prompt reply... i haven't picked one out yet, i was planning to go to the head shop after the first of the year to do some looking around. Any recomendations in what to look for?
  14. allgetout

    Vaporizor smell

    I'm living in a situation where it is unacceptable to smoke at all. I would like to toke it up in my room and not get in trouble. Would a vape be a good solution to my problem? It is not, but very similar to, university housing. I have a window i can open and can get 12 feet from the door that...
  15. allgetout

    Anyone still have their first piece?

    I was at a party last week and an old friend came up to me and said come out side i need to give you something. So, i followed her outside and she gave me my first piece. I loaned it to a friend over a year ago who loaned it to a friend who lost it ect. ect. ect. It was made for me by a friend...
  16. allgetout

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump... this shit smells like cat piss and i mean that in the best way possible.
  17. allgetout

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump... new little roor from the chipped and warped bong store has got my mind warped haha
  18. allgetout

    Are you a musician??

    I was in a pop punk band and i play synth, keyboards, ukulele, guitar, mandolin, and some banjo (i love me some bluegrass)
  19. allgetout

    My chihuaha ate my weed brownies!

    The only thing you have to worry about is the chocolate, my friend used to sprinkle shake on his dogs food and it was a little dog (maybe 10 pounds). This is probably less but his dog would just chill and stumble around.
  20. allgetout


    High all, I'm All Get Out and would like to say hello and that i look forward to talking about pot with you. I've been smoking for only a year but really enjoy it. I like to consider myself an educated stoner because I dont put anything in my body that i dont know about. Any who, nice to...