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  1. Chronhead

    Companion planting?

    I need to know kinds of plants used to deter common outdoor pests. Please help, you guys.
  2. Chronhead

    PEOPLE i heard off lots of people that you can grow weed in ireland outdoors BUT

    thats just what i heard on the radio i think there might be loop hole around it??
  3. Chronhead

    PEOPLE i heard off lots of people that you can grow weed in ireland outdoors BUT

    OBVIOUSLY dude theres enough water in the soil to keep it going plus your obviously going to water it without the pigs knowing duh... fook the gardai
  4. Chronhead

    PEOPLE i heard off lots of people that you can grow weed in ireland outdoors BUT

    your not aloud water the plant or anything you have to let it grow naturally and it was even on the radio ... i also know someone that got raided by the coppers and they just took the indoor grows. IS IT TRUE?? I WANT LOTS OF OPINIONS
  5. Chronhead

    wats de right ph level for weed

    nice tot it was about 8
  6. Chronhead

    wats de right ph level for weed

    wats de right ph level for weed
  7. Chronhead

    i think my plant is dying heres some pics need some help

    about 30 degrees celcius... i have no ph tester or even litmus paper nothing... i just use nutrients when i water.. (hense the feeding) what about the hours though? is it bad if lowryders are under 24 hour lighting? it was under 24 hours light and it started budding so i just kept goin with...
  8. Chronhead

    i think my plant is dying heres some pics need some help

    well it onlt started dyin 2 weeks ago may be more ... the pot that it was in had no drainage holes and at the very bottom of the pot was goin a bit green so i put some in ... (no joy) new light low pressure sodium 125 watt... the strain is lowryder.. iv been putting under 24 hour but started...
  9. Chronhead

    i think my plant is dying heres some pics need some help

    the leaves are dying from the bottom workin up to the top? its lowryder and i just leave the light on all the time is this bad for it?
  10. Chronhead

    The "Best" "Easiest" way to make hash

    youtube that shit and watch it man its a lot easier
  11. Chronhead

    personally whats your favourite strain to grow and why?

    personally i have not grown enough to say
  12. Chronhead

    is the sunlight time for lowryders whilst budding 18 or 24 hours?

    look i know its an autoflower but it smells different when its under 24 hours sunlight
  13. Chronhead

    is the sunlight time for lowryders whilst budding 18 or 24 hours?

    is the sunlight time for lowryders whilst budding 18 or 24 hours?
  14. Chronhead

    for people who have grown lowryders before

    can you finish a lowryder plant with 24 hours lighting or is it 18 hours sunlight????
  15. Chronhead

    Microscope bubble hash pictures!

    well was it any good ? what was the smoke like?