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  1. G

    Seed turned black

    How long have you been trying to germinate them ? In damp paper towels they should pop within three or four days . Some really old seeds may take longer but I have found that when they look black they are rotten inside .. I have had a whole white sprout ( after two or three days in a moist...
  2. G

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    Iam sure they can harm you ,, like coffee ,, candies ,, mcdonalds ,, ciggarettes ,, booze ,, .. hear what I`m saying?? I remember seeing these fuckin things hanging in cottages we rented ,, camper trailers my friends had ,, kitchens ,, closets ,, you name it ,, was all fine back then now wasnt...
  3. G

    Pest strips

    i think was asking about Canada ,, not Texas ,, but thanks ....
  4. G

    new growth turning purple ,, isolated to just one plant what and why ??

    i didnt see any workable link here ,, sorry but thanks anyway
  5. G

    new growth turning purple ,, isolated to just one plant what and why ??

    they were outside and the temp was average 80 degrees ferenheit ..
  6. G

    were can i get hotshot no pest strips

    cool ,, I m looking further into this.. I have been reading so many different opinions .. hard to decide what to try lol ... thanks alot. =) .. btw,, have you tried it dog? thanks again
  7. G

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    I am very interested in trying the no pest strips ,, regular mite wars suck and the strips do sound like dream come true if they really do work like it sounds .. Question,,, Does anyone know if the Hotshot strips are the only kind that work >>? seems the vapona and the ortho home defense...
  8. G

    were can i get hotshot no pest strips

    I must say ,, I was very dissapointed...
  9. G

    were can i get hotshot no pest strips

    I phoned them and they said they didnt carry it
  10. G

    HotShot No Pest Strips work great for spider mite control!

    Well I have tried many ways of controlling those little bastards and they still keep coming back... It is very stressing,, if there is a product like this that actually works how some claim ,, then I am all for it .. Please anyone that knows where I can get some in the Hamilton (Canada) area ...
  11. G

    White spots on the leaves

    the damage on the leaves I would say is cased by thrips .. =) deffinitely ... use a magnifying glass or monacle and look very closely ,, you will see tiny elongated baby thrips moving around on the leaves ,, they are as hard or harder to see than baby mites.. I have watched them killing spider...
  12. G

    Powdery mildew problem!!!!

    local greenhouse should have some sulphur type sprays or mixtures ,, I had massive problem with it outside and the sulphur misting solved it .. I`m sure will work inside too ,.. might set the plants back a week or so but will recoupe ok ...
  13. G

    Fuck , Broke a stem where the bud was starting to grow LOOK ...

    I was unaware that you could switch to veg with auto flowering plants ... ??
  14. G

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    I would like to hold those buds in my hands for inspection and smoke some to see if the "equal quality" is there .. I find it very hard to believe... I have used both and although the buds look nice and appear to grow well under the cfl`s they are airey and have very little crystal on them as...
  15. G

    new growth turning purple ,, isolated to just one plant what and why ??

    can anyone help me with some first hand experience with this problem I have with one of my plants and a friend has same issue with quite a few of his .. any help would be greatly appreciated.. thank you :joint:
  16. G

    Hi all !!

    Just joined ,, hope to meet some good friends and share some good info .. :joint:
  17. G

    so cloning question...

    wow ,, i just finished typing big long story and clicked post reply above here and it dissapeared =( so i`ll make this short this time .. search on you tube .. there are many good methods of doing clones ,, it is quite easy .. good luck ill try clicking the one below this time ...