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  1. CA MMJ

    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Lol, my cannabutter came out looking exactly like yours in the OP Ero. Wasn't too strong, took about 2-3 cookies to get me stoned so i'm going to re-melt all my butter and strengthen it up to my tolerance need. But other than that, great method Ero! This is how i'm making my cannabutter from now on.
  2. CA MMJ

    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Just started the process =O Followed your instructions to the T, ero, except I used about 1 1/4oz of trim/lb of butter, because i am unsure of my trim quality. The butter just melted, ill update when the process is complete =D
  3. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Thanks Ray! I only had 1 plant, but yeah, only lost about a quarter oz of bud out of 4-5oz, wasn't a bad loss at all. Im just glad I found the rot when I did, and had time to emergency harvest and destroy the infected plant matter
  4. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Thanks for the kind replies guys! Sadly, I had to emergency-chop my plant, due to some kind of insect infestation or bud rot. Luckily, it only claimed about a quarter oz, so not that bad of a loss. Salvaged the rest. It's hanging up drying right now.....we can only wait....=) Seems to be about...
  5. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Thanks bro =D Hoping the harvest goes as good as the rest of the plants cycle has! Ill start a new thread and post some pics up when I chop her down. =O
  6. CA MMJ

    Is THC soluble in Propylene Glycol?

    Ooooooookkkkkk, nevermind then, think ill be picking up some vegetable glycerin instead =O
  7. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Actually looking at the trichs, I have a lighted 30x handheld microscope specifically for the trichs. They're at about 30% amber and 70% clear, been raising by about 10% amber/clear a week, figured if I flush it now it'll be at 40% amber/60%clear, and my buds are fat enough as it is (can't hold...
  8. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Oh alright, then im all good. Been keeping the PH at 5.4-5.5 since it was in early veg, so that hasn't changed. As for the reek......I'm almost tempted to chop that mofo down right now it stinks so good =D
  9. CA MMJ

    Is THC soluble in Propylene Glycol?

    Title asks it all.... Just got some 99.8% USP food grade Prop. Glycol for dosing out my Phenazepam, and I have a lot leftover. Was wondering if this could be used to make a cannabis tincture or something of some sort?? Thanks!
  10. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Thanks guys! Alright, so I swapped out my nutrient solution for fresh water, PH'ed at about 5.5. Is that too low of PH???? close, my grow room is reeking so bad. =D
  11. CA MMJ

    Best way to Final Flush a Bubble Bucket?

    Hey guys, So my first Hydro (Bubble bucket) plant is coming to an end. I was just wondering what the best way to flush a bubble bucket is? I don't add only fresh water do I, wouldn't that fuck up the leaves/buds? Do I just use a much lower PPM'ed nutrient/water solution, or go all out fresh...
  12. CA MMJ

    1st time doing DWC, flowering questions

    Does anyone have any experience with these kind of nutrients???? That would probably help a lot in answering my question
  13. CA MMJ

    1st time doing DWC, flowering questions

    Yes, that does help. Should I add half and half of both? Does anyone know? These are an odd brand of nutrients and the manufacturer says to "Use only One Grow for the vegetative cycle and only One Flower for the Fruiting/Flowering cycle". So should I really mix them together or just run the...
  14. CA MMJ

    1st time doing DWC, flowering questions

    Hey all :blsmoke: Long time browser, new time poster. So, here are the basics to my setup: *Sorry, no pics yet, but I will update soon with pictures. Nutrients: Dutch Masters Gold Range ONE Grow (Veg)/Dutch Masters Gold Range ONE Flower (Flower). Light: (1) 400w Air-Cooled HPS Grow space...
  15. CA MMJ

    Minimum DWC Res Temps?

    I am currently running my first DWC setup, 2 5 gal buckets, and the Ambient air temperature has been around 52f-56f at its lowest. I am currently in my 1st week of flowering, and things are going fine. I can definitely tell that they'd be growing much faster if the temperature was at a more...
  16. CA MMJ

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Alright, seriously.... Can someone please PM me a reliable vendor for 2C-E? My bro asked me to find a reliable website to get some for his 21st birthday, and the only places I can find are based out of china, or look sketch. Anyone wanna PM me some help? Would be much appreciated!!!!! P.S...
  17. CA MMJ

    Best Vaporizer

    Id recommend the "Essential VAAAPP" for concentrates (Hash, Oil, etc), and id recommend the "Extreme Q Vaporizer by Arizer" for Bud. Both WELL worth the money. The problem with vaporizers, is that they are expensive. If you go "too" cheap (say, $50), you lose A LOT of quality, and it will...
  18. CA MMJ

    When Prop19 Passes...

    If this thing gets legalized tomorrow, Im posting this thing everywhere!!!!!
  19. CA MMJ

    Prop 19 Loosing Major Ground!?

    No they wouldn't, because they would have to arrest over half of California. If Prop 19 passes, they will only be going after big timers, and people that aren't compliant with state law, not just anyone who has a tiny garden or smokes a little herb now and then. The only people that will be...
  20. CA MMJ

    Hawaiian baby woodrose cold water extraction...need help!

    I just recently ordered 50 Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds off of the internet, and am wondering what the best way to do the cold water extraction is? it seems that it varies from the morning glory method, but i don't know. Any experienced people have any tips?