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  1. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    But when you do that how do you transplant them? cuz i am using the 2 gallon white cotton medium what are you using for your medium?
  2. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    I'm gonna have 2 18 stations, each one will be on its own Res :)
  3. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    Can i veg in the Ebb and Gro pots with the holes on the bottom? would that work just as good
  4. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    Pertfect thanks, I thoiught i made the post as clear as can be 18 Will be in the cloner, 18 will be in veg 18 will be 4 weeks old in flower when the next 18 come into flower, everything will be vegged for 4 weeks and then put into flower, the flower room will be on 4 week rotations of 18...
  5. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    anyone? any help would be appreciated
  6. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    If i really need to i can get a 3rd ebb and gro instead of a flood table its gonna be around the same price. and veg them right in the ebb and gro system
  7. P

    Best way to Veg for Ebb and Gro?

    Im gonna be using 2 ebb and gro 18 spot systems, i will be vegging 18 at a time and them on 4 week rotations so each 4 weeks 18 will be ready, i will veg for 4-5 weeks and flower 8-9 based on my strains. My question is Whats the best way to veg them for them to be ready to go to ebb and gro...
  8. P

    Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)

    11-8-10 Update Here is my update guys 11 days into flower (i took 12 cuttings saturday 4 cuttings from the 3 biggest plants This morning at lights out My Clones 12 on the left are 1 week old MasterKush Clones 12 on the right are 1 day old LA Woman clones My Veg On the left are 10 days in veg...
  9. P

    Partial FLower room is Ready

    Here it is guys, The long awaited Pete Flowering Room :) its only ready with 1 rail right now, later this week all 4 rails will be ready and pumping water, i got 12 plants seen here that are ready to be moved into flower today, they Vegged for 2 weeks and 2 days. i started a Clearex flush...
  10. P

    2 weeks into veg MY LEAVES are huge

    Thanks my mentor taught me good and im doing a great first grow.
  11. P

    2 weeks into veg MY LEAVES are huge

    its being built as we speak :) my rooms are 3 rooms contained into 1, veg, flower and then drying room, each room perfectly sealed and seperated from the others. i will have 4 Aeroponic stations in the flowering room, 12 plants will be ready every 2-3 weeks.
  12. P

    2 weeks into veg MY LEAVES are huge

    These are clones not seeds. the grow room you can see my veg room by clicking my sig in my journal, as for the flowering room that will be ready this week.
  13. P

    2 weeks into veg MY LEAVES are huge

    The rooms are air tight and my enviroment stays perfect, lights on I got 75-90 degrees and 75-78% humidty, lights off i get 70-73 degrees and 70-75% humidty in the veg room, so the plants are very happy.
  14. P

    2 weeks into veg MY LEAVES are huge

    This is the LA Women Strain. She has outgrown the others and all 3 that i have like her are HUGE. Look at the leaves and i have big hands.
  15. P

    Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)

    Home Depot its called "Hot Shot No Pest Strip (NPS)" they sell them by the bug stuff, it tells you not to stay in the room to long with it because of the smell, but just put it in for 2 days turn your ventilation off and it will kill anything that crawls or flys in your room.
  16. P

    Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)

    Ya we solved that problem already, had a day where there temp controled plug wasnt workiung and it didnt vent the room when the temp rised.
  17. P

    Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)

    its not an air freshner, it kills the mites incase they decide to show up :)
  18. P

    Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)

    K here is an update, today I will be witching the lids to black lids. Roots 2 days ago my one plant the leaves were curling like this Yesterday when i went into the room the leaves are back to normal, what would of caused this? My baby's :) by the way if you look at the first pics and...
  19. P

    Pete's First ever Grow Journal :)

    The flower room is not ready yet :) just wrapped it lastnight and will be setting it all up this weekend, Pics to follow :)
  20. P

    Like a kid in a candy store :) (PICS)

    you can check out my grow jr in my sig now :)