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  1. R

    Question about height and yield

    I'm finally starting up my own grow and after a lot of research and previous posts being made (thanks to all those who have replied), I've bought some White Russian seeds and have started germinating them. Now I've got a 16"x16" box set up with 4 23W CFL (each light gives out approximately 1450...
  2. R

    Best all around lamp

    I've read around that HPS can be used for the entire process. What difference would come of using MH during the veg stage, rather than just using HPS the entire way through?
  3. R

    Help with strain and first-time setup

    Before I begin, I'd like to thank everyone who contributes on these forums; they are a fantastic source of information for beginners such as myself. Secondly, I'd like to apologise, as even though I've looked, I'm sure my questions have already been answered previously. So I've decided it's...