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  1. JaymazingUK

    pH meter upon delivery.

    Excellent. I've actually just read the pH buffer bottles and no distilled water required... This is what I get for not reading everything before asking here
  2. JaymazingUK

    pH meter upon delivery.

    I kinda guessed that the cheaper options wouldnt be that accurate. Thank you for your answers. Are you able to advise on a good price range to look at for a beginner grower pH meter? Cheers!
  3. JaymazingUK

    pH meter upon delivery.

    alright my dudes, I'm on my second pH tester (first of which died a couple days ago, just wouldnt turn on). Both items were the cheap option at around £13 on amazon. My question is this: do pH meters require calibration upon delivery, or can I get some use before recalibration is needed? My...
  4. JaymazingUK

    Brown weed? :S

    Can't say I've ever come across brown coloured weed until I saw this picture online today. What is this? Would it be a good smoke? Any information would be lovely!
  5. JaymazingUK

    How often should I change my screen?

    Thanks man, sadly, I'm a buyer and am low on cash a lot of the time so conservation is key for me :P
  6. JaymazingUK

    How often should I change my screen?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking this, but I didn't really know where to post it. I've recently moved to pulling bongs instead of shotties and have no idea how often I should change the screen? Using a fresh one for every hit seems ridiculous. DO you HAVE to use screens? If you...
  7. JaymazingUK

    2nd grow on a window sill. Need advice please

    Is it not too late to start using nutrients? Also, how much do these cost roughly + where can I buy them? Will they still bud if I don't switch to 12/12? What does 'hermie' mean? Sorry about all the questions. Thanks for the help you've already given :)
  8. JaymazingUK

    2nd grow on a window sill. Need advice please

    I've got two plants growing in my window sill and I live in southern England. Both plants are bagseed. They've both been growing for about 3 months. I'm using NO NUTRIENTS and NO ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS, and I don't intend to. I'm sure one of the plants is a Female and I don't think the other is...
  9. JaymazingUK

    Simple Hash Brownies?

    I have a chocolate brownie mix in a box. What's the 'best' way to make hash brownies from this mix? I've never made them before.
  10. JaymazingUK

    Leaves Going Brown/Crispy?

    A couple of the leaves on my babies are going brown and crispy near the end of the leaf. They're about 3-4 weeks old. I'm thinking maybe this could be over/under watering or something? Can anybody help?
  11. JaymazingUK

    What Nutes do I use?

    Just sunlight. I've not got the cash to buy lights and stuff right now. I've just got my first job but i've not started yet. I'm planning to buy some decent feminized seeds + get a 125W CFL when I have the money, but considering these are bagseeds, i'm not too bothered how they turn out :) My...
  12. JaymazingUK

    What Nutes do I use?

    I've looked at countless different types and I have NO IDEA what I'm after. I'm growing bagseed without lights because I'm pretty skint. I've heard a lot about 'FoxFarms' ferts; can I buy that in the UK? If not, what would you recommend I use that IS available in the UK? Not sure if the...
  13. JaymazingUK

    What Lights to Use?

    Wow they're looking good bro, thanks for the info!
  14. JaymazingUK

    What Lights to Use?

    Just looked at some online and even the units are cheap! Thanks dude, great help :)
  15. JaymazingUK

    What Lights to Use?

    I'm considering starting my second grow soon and I actually wanna do it properly this time. The only thing stopping me right now are the lights; my mum's being a bit shitty about the amount of electricity I'll be using (I know, she's all eco and stuff). Just wondering which type of lights are...
  16. JaymazingUK

    What are these things?? :S

    I don't use lights. I try to keep it in the sunlight for as close to 12 hours as possible, but it's never exact. What is Fox Farms OF?
  17. JaymazingUK

    What are these things?? :S

    what size pot would you say i need?
  18. JaymazingUK

    What are these things?? :S

    Okay i will do, thanks :)
  19. JaymazingUK

    What are these things?? :S

    Okay, thanks a lot :)
  20. JaymazingUK

    What are these things?? :S

    Firstly, I'm a complete N00b to growing. I found a few seeds in with some smoke when i bought it, so i decided to plant them and see how it went. I haven't used any grow lights or fertilizer so i don't even know if it's going to flower. Recently, there's been little green 'bubbles' appearing at...