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  1. Dr Evil

    3 plants, 3 problems

    Thanks for the reply. I gave them each a small amount of water with some Epsom salt and Calcium Citrate mixed in. I'm guessing the problem should clear up in a few days if this works.
  2. Dr Evil

    3 plants, 3 problems

    Can anyone identify what the problem is with these plants? All are in veg. Plant 1 is on the left, and is about 15 inches tall. She's a clone mother that grows quickly. The problem started on the bottom leaves and seems to be working it's way up. Here is what her bottom leaves look like...
  3. Dr Evil

    my plant's leafs are getting specs of gold and the leafs are curling whats wrong?!!!

    Sorry for bringing up the old happens bongsmilie
  4. Dr Evil

    Only buds

    Well that explains your first response. Thanks for the answer. + rep
  5. Dr Evil

    Only buds

    Well then....I take it this has been discussed before. Perhaps a quick answer would have been more productive though.
  6. Dr Evil

    Flushing and PPM

    Thanks for the reply yoji420. I didn't mean that I was flushing with water that has a ppm of 450-500, I was talking about the water that comes out of the drain holes. After flushing with the first two gallons, I tested the water's tds and it was 1900 ppm, then after the tenth gallon it was...
  7. Dr Evil

    Flushing and PPM

    1st timer flowering here and I need a little help. I had a manganese def in one plant, and a little bit of nitro toxicity in the other two. So I checked the ppm of the run off water and it was over 1900. I flushed with twice as much water as soil. Now all of the run off water has a ppm of about...
  8. Dr Evil

    Only buds

    In pictures I've noticed a fair amount of plants that have had almost all the leaves removed, and the only thing remaining is smaller leaves and buds. Is there a reason growers are removing almost all the leaves during flowering? If so, what are the pro's and con's?
  9. Dr Evil

    help! plant drooping and im not sure what the problem is!

    How old is that clone? How long ago did you take it from the mother plant? It's normal for clones to droop after you cut them. The reason is that the plant doesn't have the roots needed to replace the water it uses. Try cutting off half of the fan leaves, and put a clear dome over it. Also spray...
  10. Dr Evil

    Can anyone identify this stuff

    Found the problem. Apparently a few people have had it, but very few. The problem was PH down that uses citric acid.
  11. Dr Evil

    Can anyone identify this stuff

    I use frozen water bottles to chill my solution. I keep the temps between 60-69. The only thing I can think of is that the airpump pushes some warm air. The air going into the airpump is around 75, and the airpump gets warm, so it's heating the air up a little, but not much. A water chiller is...
  12. Dr Evil

    Can anyone identify this stuff

    I did use tap water at a ratio of 1 gallon tap 4 part distilled. I've switched to distilled, but this shit still won't go away.
  13. Dr Evil

    Can anyone identify this stuff

    This grows on my airstones. It does not need light, and it loves air. After it builds up for a couple days, it starts braking off into very small peices, and eventually it clouds the water. This does not seem like run of the mill algae, H2O2 doesn't touch it. It does not turn brown unless I use...
  14. Dr Evil

    Brown Algae (snot) and GH Subculture (pics)

    Still no climb in PH. PH is 5.8 for the 1st cooler (same as an hour ago), and 5.5 for the second cooler (almost the same). Cooler 1 has the worst infection. Whatever it is, grows slower in Cooler 2. I get the impression from this thread that you posted, that they have figured out how to cure...
  15. Dr Evil


    I think I need to get some of that ZHO then. Maybe both would be good for now. I'm trying to spend as little as possible for right now. Thanks for the info. +rep
  16. Dr Evil

    Brown Algae (snot) and GH Subculture (pics)

    OK, I might have something slightly different than jestermite. I have the same symptoms, but the difference is where it is growing, and now the color. Guess I need a different thread. After switching from FloraNova, the slime is no longer any kind of brown. It is yellow and clear. In case I'm...
  17. Dr Evil

    Brown Algae (snot) and GH Subculture (pics)

    I remember what I've read, I just don't know the url, and the page got closed before I bookmarked it. I read that it could take four days. Actually it could take longer, that's just how long it took for that person. I figure on giving it six days. I have noticed that my PH seems to have dropped...
  18. Dr Evil


    Nobody? Maybe I didn't explain what I'm looking for. I heard that you can brew it like brewing an EWC tea. Someone said I could grow a culture of Subculture-B, or M, or both in the same manner. I just don't know how to. I read something about feeding them.....
  19. Dr Evil

    Coolers, PH problem, FloraNova, Cloudy smelly water, running a test

    Some people swear by tap water being OK, even good. I'm testing some Subculture-B in the water that went cloudy, we'll see if it balances out. If not, then I'm probably going back to soil until someone figures out what the problem is, or I run across the answer.
  20. Dr Evil

    Brown Algae (snot) and GH Subculture (pics)

    Exactly! And the only difference I see in yours is that mine don't have the large buildup of slime, maybe from slower growth and me changing the solution. I think this stuff has been the kill off of my plants because I've had to constantly adjust the PH. I look for this to start stinking, and...