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  1. corester123

    Small CFL Closet Grow!!!

  2. corester123

    Small CFL Closet Grow!!!

    hello rollitup members, this is my second indoor grow using cfls. i've learned a lot from my first successful grow, and i am going to put the info i learned to good use. this grow is going to start out with the bare minimum supplies. in this grow corners will be cut but it may not impact the...
  3. corester123

    Im devastated

    pics would help, just to be sure i would take some pics if you do have males i would separate them and grow them out and make hash, best of luck on ur next grow, i guess we can't win em all. :peace:
  4. corester123

    1st timer CFL grow journal

    lights need to be closer i'd recommend Arizona cans painted white for reflectors, GL :peace:
  5. corester123

    Mystery lamp?

    then again i'm not positive it's a mv lamp, i was looking for things to identify if it is a hps or mh. :peace:
  6. corester123

    Mystery lamp?

    no sorry to what? as in i can't put the hps bulb in it?
  7. corester123

    Mystery lamp?

    i'm going to the flea market to pick up a bigass lamp, it's the kind that you would see in like warehouses and such, it has the ballast right above the light bulb and a bell shaped reflector, if it is mercury vapor what can i do with it? can i put a hps bulb in it? :peace:
  8. corester123

    Nitrogen Question

    its hard to tell weather or not you have N def. if N the plant will have an over all light green cast to it, and the lower leaves will become yellow and fall off. you can use any chemical fert high in N in low amounts or organics such as fish meal, coffee grounds, and even fresh urine. at all...
  9. corester123

    Help!!! My Plants Got To Much Light!!!!

    what you've pretty much made is an oven for your seedlings....cooked them, you NEED an intake as well as an outtake fan to give your grow box a steady flow of fresh air. do not take out lights as you will defiantly need them, the more light the better. it looks like someone has not looked at...
  10. corester123

    Name Tag Thingy?

    At what point do i get to change the tag under my name, and how do i change it? thx for any help :peace:
  11. corester123

    help picking strain

    not sure, try searching on Google :peace:
  12. corester123

    How do you smoke your weed?

    bong w/ ice, royal blunts, glass piece :peace:
  13. corester123

    You are in a mall when zombies attack.

    p-90 beast and the harlot-A7X Chuck Norris :peace:
  14. corester123

    Outdoor Growing

    here ya go GROWFAQ :peace:
  15. corester123

    Help! seedlings keeling over, dying

    cfls dude, too much heat, overwatering possibly, what kind of soil is it? :peace:
  16. corester123

    light burned plant

    burns will not kill ur plants :peace:
  17. corester123

    24/24 light cycle?

    thx for all the replys it was just sorta a hypothetical question, maybe i'll try it when i'm better at growing. :peace: