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  1. timtebow420

    First time grow with CFL's

    You are suck a CFL hater...What kind of results do u get with HPs??
  2. timtebow420

    I Found a Secret Room In My House!

    Who out of everybody that has been apart of this thread would have actually waited to go in the room?? Me personally high or not would not have had a second thought about checking it out and seeing whats inside.. This guys must some sort of paranoid schizo or something...My wife would have been...
  3. timtebow420


    Intelligence does not equal talent...U obviously have no idea what u are talking about...You can be the smartest mother fucker on earth and not have an ounce of talent..We just gonna have to agree to disagree..
  4. timtebow420


    brains don't make u the best were u thinkin?? Andre is very talented and smooth, but IMHO I think Big Boi has better rhymes and better delivery...andre is more pop....
  5. timtebow420


    To the guy that said Andre from Outkast?? If you were gonna pick one of the two from outkast it would definately be Big Boi!!
  6. timtebow420


    Season 1 and 2 were great and clever, Season 3 wasn't bad either with Jimmy Smitts...After 3 it hasn't been as good but still very clever show and I wish doakes was still on here I really liked that dynamic..
  7. timtebow420

    I think I have everything , Help me double check.

    Yes they are my man but u can disagree 100%, and I have done it and know the truth...mine is not an opinion it is backed up by facts..
  8. timtebow420

    I think I have everything , Help me double check.

    If you do it right your buds won't be loose and airy! Trust me as I tell you CFL if done properly can be fat dense nugs... And those twisty CFL are good to go just use the ratio that I told you and your buds will be primo..
  9. timtebow420


    Me personally I could never get into lost...but I do watch Sons of Anarchy, they need to put that show on hbo or showtime?? What other shows are you guys or gals into>>
  10. timtebow420


    dexter is the best show on tv...finish those episodes and dive right into season 2..I watched first episode of season 1 and ended up watching season 1 and 2 non stop..hah
  11. timtebow420

    What should I do....?

    No problem man if ya need anything let me know...I have a few CFL grows under my belt and have had great results...I;m no master but if i can help I will and I will never tell u something untrue..
  12. timtebow420

    Question about flushing and leaching?

    I will post pics soon I thought my main cola was close to being done but it is growing new white hairs almost like whole new buds popping out of the cola..Can't complain but everything looked beautiful until all the burning of the leaves...
  13. timtebow420

    What should I do....?

    Yeah more of the 2700k for floowering and either the 5500k or 6500k for the veg, but u want a little of both for both stages..So if ur gonna do eight for each grow then for veg do 5-5500k and 3-2700k and then reverse it for flower..There u go man now u got it..All rep will be much appreciated..haha
  14. timtebow420

    What should I do....?

    2 to 1 is a rought estimate but u want more daylight to soft white in veg and the other way around in flower....just so u have all of the color spectrums covered. When u use a lot of CFL and the sockets it can approach a hps in price but not in the amount of electricity it uses and the heat, but...
  15. timtebow420

    Question about flushing and leaching?

    I will post pics when they wake up..I think they have maybe 3 weeks left?? What can happen with the flushing early??
  16. timtebow420

    What should I do....?

    You can definately grow a great crop with CFL's. You just have to use the right spectrum for each stage, as in veg you want a 2 to 1 ratio of "daylight to soft white bulbs"...In flower u want a 2 to 1 "soft white to daylight" Granted u will have bigger plants and bigger buds with a hps but then...
  17. timtebow420

    PC growbox,7000 lumens... "bagseed" and were already at day 43 flowering:)

    Wow that is wild..Looks like little autoflowers.Nice looking single cola plants! Me personally i would put each one in a seperate cup or sumptin, but like i said good job!
  18. timtebow420

    Question about flushing and leaching?

    Mine started browning before i used the clearex...Can i still add nutes or just stick with flushing with the clearex
  19. timtebow420

    Question about flushing and leaching?

    Got a girl about 8 weeks into flower and the smaller leaves in the buds started browning and burning up..I figured I nute burned them(which still might be the case)even though using low strength botanicare..Point of the matter is that I thought I was closer to being done at flushed with...
  20. timtebow420

    Newly Adopted Parent of some Lanky Sativas Hydro Style!!Need some help plz??

    Yeah I do have a large bubblestone...Just cluseless to the hydro, but plant is getting huge and it is in such a small netpot, it almost seems like a 1 inch netpot, for this 3+ feet plant....It is flowering so dont wanna switch to dirt but thinking about it.