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  1. MsApple

    What Strain Should I Grow For A First Timer

    Yeah they are prob right.... try some free seeds first. I didn't but I"ve been gardening since I was little, read up on it... it's the best thing to do. And it's way too late in season... MJ likes about 40-60% humidity but yes during veg you really don't have to worry too much, I mean always...
  2. MsApple

    1 plant more mature than the others and now showing signs of seeds

    You sure you don't have bugs I can' see the leaves too well but it appears to have thrips or spider mite marks....
  3. MsApple

    What Strain Should I Grow For A First Timer

    Pineapple Express...easy to grow, like dry conditions and requires less nutes and attention.... I've been growing her for 6 months now... not the same plant! And she likes it dry, she gives me no problems and she doesn't grow much in flowering like most plants, so if you want her big veg her...
  4. MsApple


    That is what i am doing, choosing the best. Ok so another question if a plant hermies and you've already taken a clone will she hermie too? Isn't that decided in flowering stage?
  5. MsApple


    I have read that, the cones will be a duplicate of the mother, so my next wonder is.... it's probably best to have a good strong mother and just clone her... do you think as you clone down the line from plant to plant to plant the strain loses it's so to say luster? I'm just curious on what...
  6. MsApple


    Anyone have any info or thoughts about clones vs. seedlings? And how long do you think most strains can be cloned before they become weak? Just a thought... wondered what kinda feedback I'd get.:blsmoke:
  7. MsApple


    It's just there's always something new to learn and well you learn as you go....
  8. MsApple


    WOW!!! Thank you so much! You rock!!!! I love knowing that and I can be like no that guy didn't breed it! That is very interesting.... mood enhancement isn't the word, I felt like a bobblehead!!! I've seen a few people just ass right out, and it make you feel like the first time you smoked...
  9. MsApple


    No it is totally pitch black can't even see your hand in front of your face. Do you think it's gonna be a big nasty seed pod?
  10. MsApple


    I'm working on that.... wish I was there!!!!
  11. MsApple


    I looked forever and thought this is bullshit... and it probably is, I couldn't find nothing, some old weed head cross bred it with northern lights and kush..... not sure what kush I can't remember. I don't know him, he may be crazy and racist.... must be I mean hence the name, I was like who...
  12. MsApple


    No,NO,No not racist.... I didn't make that strain and I thought the name was fucked up too!!! I renamed her Hollywood.... I know right who the F does that, it's like calling a strain cracker.... sorry if I offended anyone... I renamed her last grow... I just saw this, haven't been on here in...
  13. MsApple

    Gravity, Humboldt??? Reviews...

    Ok, so I've heard alot of things about growing everyone has a solution and everyone has an opinion, me too.... but, I've heard these two things recently and IDK..... That this product called gravity will harden your buds & Humboldt white snow storm will guarantee your plants to stay female, it...
  14. MsApple

    What a crazy year it has been so far... we moved into a new house.... and wow I hate moving...

    What a crazy year it has been so far... we moved into a new house.... and wow I hate moving! But all is well, and we r in our 5th week of our next group.... time flies! I've updated my albums.... more girls and new home new garden are this yrs grows.... and I've also added to my first grow I...
  15. MsApple


    I would hate to take her out if she isn't and I would hate to leave her in there if she is.... it will be sad, but shit happens right... better her than the whole shit. This is my garden, I don't want the whole thing ruined!
  16. MsApple


    Dude...come on... seriously, I mean thanks to those who are helping I appreciate it, not all of us are connoisseur's, I mean why even post then? Isn't that what this shit is for??? People communicating, people asking questions, people learning from other people. They're not full blown seeds, I...
  17. MsApple


    As soon as my lights come on I will take a pic.... thanks...
  18. MsApple


    so I"m suppose to find a little hard seed thing??? They just look like the start of where seeds are going to maybe start... what will I find????
  19. MsApple


    Ok I have an afghan kush that is in her 5th week of flowering and last night after feeding I was examining the plants and I think I may have found what I believe to be the start of seed bract formation on her buds, but I'm not positive, I saw no bananas on her or any other plants. I just don't...
  20. MsApple

    Long time no see... well I was very busy for awhile there and I'm already into my flowering...

    Long time no see... well I was very busy for awhile there and I'm already into my flowering phase of my next grow... time flies! I just flipped the switch last nite.... got more plants and lots more strains. Let's see; same as before w/ the purple train wreck, hitler youth & blueberry jam...