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  1. greenoutlaw

    Awesome Doc

    Nice, thanks. Green Outlaw
  2. greenoutlaw


    Lookin good bro. Green Outlaw
  3. greenoutlaw

    New Strange Growth

    Have you ever grown Tomatoes? The seeds aren't that expensive and it's not you will learn a hell of a lot. It's hard to tell from the pic but I'd wait it out. Doesn't look serious... night shade. Green Outlaw
  4. greenoutlaw

    Does this 11 Day Old Seedling look Healthy?

    Yes it does. But does a two day old baby boy look like his father? Hard to say... Green Outlaw
  5. greenoutlaw

    Lets Talk UFO"S

    You are right...there are no UFO posts. Probably cuz this is a grow site. But since you are breaking new ground...I did see a UFO once. Over the Saskatchewan prairie in the early morning on my way to work. I don't smoke and work so no explanation, marijauna could never create...
  6. greenoutlaw

    Please Help! Pics Attached

    Heathee is right. Green Outlaw
  7. greenoutlaw

    Hey All I'm New to This and Would like Some Help Please!

    Just read that last bad. 33 is a little high. Make sure you have some wind power over them and lower that heat like 27 if they are to stay indoor (I'm not an indoor grower)...I keep my seedling room at about 22 or lower to prepare them for outdoors. Green Outlaw
  8. greenoutlaw

    Hey All I'm New to This and Would like Some Help Please!

    In my opinion, at this young age you are really paying to much attention. It's called weed cuz it is weed and to a certain extent, and especially at the seedling stage...water and light. Good soil...smoke a spliff and stop staring at them. Green Outlaw
  9. greenoutlaw

    Much Difference

    I could probably give you a good answer here as I am very sensitive to any drugs...not just cannabis. Cannabis Sativa is more of a nice laughy high for me...I prefer it actually but it is harder to come by in these parts since it is less of a "trippy visual head high". Dealers and Growers in...
  10. greenoutlaw

    how do i know when to harvest pic included

    Whatever you do, don't expect these huge buds you see in photos to come out of this plant. I usually wait until I see 50/50 red hairs and white...I can tell by the smell which is hard to describe here, and the could harvest now and get good stuff, or wait and no nitrogen, add...
  11. greenoutlaw

    New, Buying supplies tonight. Suggestions

    T5's for veg. Bought some for the first time last month, over eletricity concerns. Nice lights and cheap like 150CDN for ballast and four bulbs... Green Outlaw CANADA