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  1. T

    Supplements that are or aren't needed in soil

    i grind up eggshells and toss em in my soil before i even put plants in, along with diluted tea my plants are fine, hmm interesting im gonna research this.
  2. T

    10-10-2 vs 10-2-1 guano?

    dilute your tea though (my opinion) just to be safe, its like other gurus saying to go 1/2 strength until you build nute confidence so yes, halfstrength your tea.
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    Just a little help please

    a good way to do your nutrients is to use compost tea you will need pantyhose (your tea bag essentially) 5 gallon bucket airpump and airstones jamaican and peruvian batguano compost earthworm casting's bonemeal(bloom) kelp unsulphered molasses you mix in everything inside your...
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    3rd organic grow: Soma A+, Sage'n'Sour, Ice

    bangin dude!!
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    brand new to organics, where to start?

    youtube aact or compost tea, research on here google organic growing, find out the importance of good soil, the science from the organic microbial activity sounds hard at first then it becomes too too too easy
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    How much dolomite lime with peat moss?

    like they said 10% UNLESS you're not going TLO
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    Molasses dosage.

    i use a large tablespoon in my aact so the creatures in the tea have food for me its just a aroma and taste additive for my beuties
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    My Organic Tea Recipe Thread. Share Yours

    mmk theres my veg and bloom aact some compost 1/2 cup guano (depends on veg or bloom) earthworm castings a bit of ground up eggshells(dry) mollases unsulphered kind kelp all in a 5 gallon bucket brewed 24 hrs then diluted 1/2 aact 1/2 water btw idk if you wanted the soil but i thought id put...
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    Meet The Philosopher

    thanks buddy
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    Meet The Philosopher

    Hi guys im new here, im 20, i have been smoking since i was fifteen. I am a cannabis horticulturalist currently starting school to become a botanist. I honestly don't know much about philosphy but i love learning new things and ive been known to be quite insightful, a wise man(i dont remember...