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  1. D

    Quick GenHydro pH Test kit Quesiton

    I just purchased a General Hydroponics pH control kit. Total noob question here but I am growing in soil and I'm not totally sure how to use this test kit. Do I put some soil and some RO water with the drops in the vial? I tried this and recieved a yellow/brown color after the soil matter...
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    Need Help ASAP

    thank you!
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    Need Help ASAP

    no help? :(
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    Need Help ASAP

    So this is my first grow and I haven't had any trouble with the plant's health until recently. I fed it a decent amount of 1-10-0.2 guano and after that this is what the leaves look like. It's getting worse and I'm worried I will lose this one. Any ideas/suggestions/last resorts please. It...
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    PLS help! I think I'm in trouble

    Would I not want to flush more than twice in a row for the last two weeks? Like, before I harvest? also I'm assuming my plant is locked out and no longer taking in nutrients. How can I fix that? Lower the Ph?
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    PLS help! I think I'm in trouble

    OK, so this is my first plant and I know it stretched really bad, but as far as the plant health is concerned it's been perfect until about a week and a half ago. I added some 1-10-0.2 guano to the soil AND mixed some in with my water. I'm assuming this is the cause of my problems. I've...
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    Do you see mold?

    The branches on the bottom 2/3rds of the plant basically. Most of the stuff I tried (topping, LSTing) I didn't do quite right.
  8. D

    Do you see mold?

    No fan leaves are tied down, it might just look like that. Yeah I was worried about burning it, I was way over cautious about some things.
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    Do you see mold?

    I don't see any mold but when I get reallly close to a bud and smell it I detect a hint of what SEEMS to smell like mold to me. This is my 1st grow. This is a Chocolope with I THINK about 4 weeks left. It's been flowering since around October 10th. So, does anyone see any mold and do you...
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    Growing with CFL's

    From what I've read 2700k cfl's are red spectrum mostly. This is my 1st grow and I've used a pretty crazy set up that's been changing constantly. I have to take my grow room apart when my family comes to stay for a few weeks mid December (my grow room is my spare bedroom which they'll be...
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    how far am I????!

    I'm at like 35ish counting from the day I flipped the lights from 18/6 to 12/12 which was around Oct. 9th I was just wondering because some of those sexy white hairs are turning brown, as you can see in a couple of the pictures
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    how far am I????!

    This is a Chocolope. It is my 1st grow. I flipped my lights to 12/12 between October 9th and 16th. I can't totally remember the exact date. I'm told it takes around 73 days to flower. I've been using primarily fluorescent lights and have now added some 2700k CFLs. Please take a look at the...
  13. D

    Stripping? HELP PLEASE

    Well, I only have a two foot T-5. I didn't plan to flower with this it just came down to a time crunch/ having to clear and take apart my grow room for two weeks in december. I have a 4 foots double bulb that is vertical as well. I LSTed the branches, Im posting a picture of that. I just...
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    Stripping? HELP PLEASE

    OK, so I have a Chocolope that I had to flower a little earlier than I had planned. This is my first grow and I need a little help. I had planned to flower with a HPS light but i have to take my grow room apart around Christmas so I'm waiting for that set-up until my second grow. So now I...
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    Attempted Super Cropping But Broke top

    Alright thanks. I still can't decide if i should take the top off or not. I think I'm going to leave it for now.
  16. D

    Attempted Super Cropping But Broke top

    So this is my first attempt at growing cannabis. My Collective offered classes and free clones so I thought I'd give it a go. I read a lot about super cropping and wanted to try it, When I bent the plant just below the top it snapped about 40% of the stalk. My question is, do I remove the...