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  1. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    nice meeting yall. im out. peace
  2. Dicky

    DWC PPM Question...

    800 isnt that low in my opinion. ive seen plants never go over 850 and they are beautiful. peace
  3. Dicky

    G13 Pineapple Express & Great White Shark

    in that heat Beaver, CO2 might be a sweeet thing. peeaace
  4. Dicky

    Seedlings need help

    ..u already figured it man..there hungry. peeeaaace
  5. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    it had to be able to power the house (2700 sqft) the garage, air tools, lift, lighting, sprinkler system, as for the batteries being charged i think its going to take quite awhile, prob a week i bet, to fully charge but im told once they are fully charged it wont take much to keep them charged...
  6. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    thank u much Luger
  7. Dicky

    My Dawg

    it is finished. it is covered in crystals and even tho it has only been curing for a couple weeks or so it is very potent. as long as u have a way to control the smell, they STINK. it was a generous yielder. i would recomend this strain to anyone who likes a plant that can easily turn purp very...
  8. Dicky

    1st DWC Grow, 1st Grow Journal, Looking for feedback.

    could be an american ha?
  9. Dicky

    Can felons live with Caregivers?

    id say as long as it wasnt drugs he was locked up for. i myself wouldnt worry
  10. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    i have 30 130 watt panels up and running, as for total this and that, ill have to ask my bud. solar is his gig, he spouted off all this stuff but to me it doesnt matter. i had a few requirements before i made the leap. what will it cost how much space do i need and how long will it take me...
  11. Dicky

    Can felons live with Caregivers?

    depends mostly on his conditions of release. he knows if he can be around it
  12. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    just a word of advice man, even tho i got a super deal on used panels the batteries killed me..i built a rack of 40 1000cca batteries i use to power the drag car. at 80 bones a batt, it got pricey. but i love it..i go out in the morn an just stare at em lol. as for the power more...
  13. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    i look at it like this. either i burn one every hour or so or i just roll up a few 5 grams and im good for the whole morning usually. that joint is just a tad on the small side compared to some of my ummm joints lol. pppeeeaaace
  14. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    lol yeah its real. ive always wanted to go solar. arguably the most expensive stage of my build. i tried to get some pics of the mule deer watching me on the roof last week but no dice.
  15. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    whatcha think
  16. Dicky

    My 400w HPS/MH burning the tops of my ladies

    yeah man..tie them bitches down lol they can take a beating peace
  17. Dicky

    ?s on root ball size b4 flipping to 12/12

    anyone wanna torch a pinner with me lol
  18. Dicky

    Cold temperatures

    wrap em up in burlap and hope for the best. peace
  19. Dicky

    do i have to flush for 2 weeks ?

    this was my 1st dwc grow but i only flushed for one night. i am more than happy with the results. in my opinion its about how much taste do u want. ive smoked alot of stuff that was flushed for a week or two i didnt like it. i thought it tasted like hay. i also smoked alot that wasnt flushed at...
  20. Dicky

    G13 Pineapple Express & Great White Shark

    just my opinion but id pick my best bitch to mom all her daughters lol peeaace