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  1. kayadude

    Pruning night period

    Is there a light that you can use does not affect the plants growth cycle or photosynthesis.
  2. kayadude

    Self sufficient grow room

    Does anybody know or have a good the grid LED grow room ....or one that shares with the grid..
  3. kayadude

    Night time / Daytime grow temperature ?

    Interested to know what's the average grow room operating temperature ?
  4. kayadude

    Plants slow to flower.

    Two 600w Hal/Hps humidity has been constant @ 32-33C Humidity 45-50 healthy as all day not budding fast enough for mine, any tips or tricks appreciated. Following Canna Coco legend.
  5. kayadude

    Humidity rises when lights go out.

    Running 2 150mm for grofans in1400×650×2000 ..humidity is perfect while light are on but humidity rises to 68-70 gradual when lights go out.. growth seems perfect though.
  6. kayadude

    Humidity Issues ?

    I have tried most things to dehumidify my room, new fans (2speed) it says 75% it can't be their is no moisture.. sooo through vege it varied 62-70 and recently started HPS flowering and it is a solid 75% fulltime ..what is going on ? PS: running 2x250's .
  7. kayadude

    Best commercial LED/COB is ?

    Had abit of a look around so I have a guide just unsure about volumes per room area ? Your views on the matter and knowledge is appreciated.
  8. kayadude

    ? The best LED vege/flower plans DIY

    I am pretty handy and interested in LED construction , who can guide me or a link to some plans or photos and data you may have..thanks
  9. kayadude

    New Zealand Medical Cannabis users victimized !

    The New Zealand Police and The Legislative Council (Government Lawmakers) simply do not recognize Medical Cannabis and it is Policed by the draconian and outdated 40 year old law, The Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 which in a recent legal commentary by The New Zealand Law Commission it was...
  10. kayadude

    New Zealand Medical Cannabis Patients

    Hi just introducing myself ...I am Paul and I have been a regular user of Marijuana Meds since 2001 after a horrible accident left me with a incurable head injury. Cannabis has restored my public awareness that it is not always mainstream medical that is capable of cure !