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  1. E

    viewing trichomes

    thanks for the reply's. my microscope has a little led built in.. it was 8 bucks from ebay and goes 100x you do have to put the bit you want to view right up the the lense though. ill take little samples and look at them, cheers
  2. E

    have you heard bout this process

    i too say chill out and smoke more
  3. E

    viewing trichomes

    hi, i have a microscope and have been sussing out my trichomes on the plant. now i cant get that good a look so im wondering if people trim off a small sample to look at? there growing outdoor so theyre in wind n that which makes it hard to focus. also, do u look at all the buds or...
  4. E

    How much longer?

    what do you mean?
  5. E

    should i piss on my plant

    lol, im not actually going to piss on em. Im just bored and do like this topic... i also hope this hasnt happened to any of the weed ive had in my life
  6. E

    should i piss on my plant

    i will have a look at it, but i need to go right now and dont want to waist it... so ill go piss on them now. they are flowering i hope it wont hurt the buds?
  7. E

    Help needed

    upload pics .. they sound like theyre growing a bit too slowly
  8. E

    should i piss on my plant

    its raining outside... so i was just going to put my rain coat on and take a piss all over the leaves
  9. E

    should i piss on my plant

    i need some fertiliser, and dont have much coin. will it hurt them if i go out and piss on them? ive heard it has NPK in it
  10. E

    How much longer?

    its growing outdoor
  11. E

    How much longer?

    how much longer do u think they need, or is she ready now? its only about 20 cm tall....
  12. E

    help needed

    looks like over watering, i wouldnt be flushing them
  13. E

    Expermental grow for fun

    some are growing okay.. but why are the leaves cut in half.
  14. E

    Expermental grow for fun

    it looks like thier outside... but if there inside then you need to get the lights closer cause there stretching bad
  15. E

    cleaning inside my glass cone peice

    oh and yeah a q tip is a good idea
  16. E

    cleaning inside my glass cone peice

    thats very clean... do u use normal salt? also what bongs that for ? weed star ?
  17. E

    cleaning inside my glass cone peice

    i have tried alcohol and salt and today tried acetone and salt ( epsom salt) but it doesnt just clean it, whats a q tip?
  18. E

    cleaning inside my glass cone peice

    any tips or tricks to get right inside under the bowl and clean it like new?
  19. E

    Leaf picture, is there anything wrong?

    there were 2, but yea the rest are okay
  20. E

    Minuscule white hair like fibers?

    you wouldnt smoke it with a little mold? its not hard to just pick off if it is mould.. why waist weed