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  1. Outlawknight7

    Buds not drying right?

    So is that it?, there's nothing i can do? Does this affect the potency?
  2. Outlawknight7

    Buds not drying right?

    Bud looked fine and thick last night, i used 3 cfls and a t5 sun leaves system. Ill try and post up pics.
  3. Outlawknight7

    Buds not drying right?

    Ok so i just cut down my second grow last night of white widow. Now when i did my 1 st grow my bud did'nt come out so great, because after i dried my bud it looked all wirey and loose. I came here and so one told me my dry room was too hot. So this time i around i said fuck drying it on...
  4. Outlawknight7

    Plant looks weak and is leaning over.

    But is that normal? will it get better
  5. Outlawknight7

    Plant looks weak and is leaning over.

    I just started the flowering phase for my white widow plan. Its starting to lean over like its weak and cant support itself. What should i do?
  6. Outlawknight7

    General Hydroponics

    I use GH and this is what i got.
  7. Outlawknight7

    !st Grow Garden of Ease 49th day of veg

    Still going baby! day 53
  8. Outlawknight7

    !st Grow Garden of Ease 49th day of veg

    Ok here is the one that lived, shes doing good 3rd week of floweing.
  9. Outlawknight7

    Ok so what do i do

    bump i still need advice
  10. Outlawknight7

    Ok so what do i do

    well the roots still look infected with rot. Does anybody know how long it will take for it to go away? Is there something i can buy? After i put the male in the system is when most of foilage died. I dont want that to happen to girl u dig?
  11. Outlawknight7

    Ok so what do i do

    2 of my plants died as most you guys know already. 2 lived, one aparently female, and one male. Pics are lousy but you get the picture. The male is in the hydro system, the female i have in cup of H202 and doing very well actually. The male in the system lost about 3/4s of its foilage, but...
  12. Outlawknight7

    There dead :(

    I woke up and found this. 3 outa 4 are dead or dying. Im upset right now, and i dont feel like retyping what was going. Search for my thread on "8th day of flowering problem!!", and youll know. :cry:
  13. Outlawknight7

    8th day of floweing PROBLEM!!!

    Ok so i figured out what was going on, i had root rot like a mofo. I disinfected the whole system right now, i cut off the infected roots and currently my 4 plants are in a H202 dunk. My question is how long do keep them in there?
  14. Outlawknight7

    8th day of floweing PROBLEM!!!

    Ahh its getting worse!!!
  15. Outlawknight7

    8th day of floweing PROBLEM!!!

    Well i just flushd it when i started to flower. I added the bloom nutes as directed, but then i added molasses 4 days later. Could that be the problem?
  16. Outlawknight7

    8th day of floweing PROBLEM!!!

    So i checked my plants today and i found this, wtf is going on? Can somebody give me a diagnosis?
  17. Outlawknight7

    Shroom Growing

    I love shrooms, i want to learn how to cultivate it soon.
  18. Outlawknight7

    Acid Flashbacks?

    Is the lsd trip different from a strong salvia trip. I tried the salvia the other day and i thought i was a shoe. I didnt like that experience at all.
  19. Outlawknight7

    trying salvia

    Dude i smoke that shit the other day for the 2nd and 3rd time. 1st time was a little hit in pipe. 2nd time was mixed with weed. 3rd time straight sal outa water bong. 1st time i laughed histicly for a min. 2nd time i thougnt i was having a nosebleed and i was stuck to my chair. 3rd time i...
  20. Outlawknight7

    Cover up the smell

    Inside right next to the plant, i guess you could put it outside, but i think its better to put near the source.