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  1. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    Thanks Dark, Reps for you... I am chopping today, and I saw the nanners, now I am sad face. On a good note, germin some beans, lets hope all goes cool and I don't have the issues I had on this batch.
  2. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    Ok Dark, thanks for the input. Tomorrow is day seventy, prolly just chop. First when you say bananas, what are you referring to? Which pic? Or what exactly should I look for to pick off? Thanks
  3. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    ok here are some more pics, maybe these can help someone help me...
  4. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    I want to add that I made my own soil, This is my mixture: 6 bags of topsoil, 3 bags manure, (both are 40lb. bags), 1 25lb bag of sand, 1 5lb bag of blood meal, 1 5lb bag of bone meal, and my own organic compost (about 40 lbs). I mixed this thoroughly and this is what I have started all clones...
  5. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    Ok, thanks Mr. Ganja, yes the leaves will completely turn yellow before dying. In the past, I have always harvested way to soon, around 50 to 60 days, if I were gonna give some nutes, what would you recommend on day 68, as in NPK, please know I only have the big corporate home improvement and...
  6. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    I know I didnt let them get to dry, I have not give any nutes since I lost all the others since like day 20ish, before that I only gave half strength and only every other week in fear of burning them...You said you noticed to much nitrogen, how is that
  7. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    Ok here are a few pics, a couple with the lights on the other day and a couple with lights off and a flash light a minute ago. I hate to even post these pics because plants look rough, its been a long winter with numerous problems. What look like my best harvest yet on 8 plants, quickly turned...
  8. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    Beansly, I only wish that is what was goin on. Actually kinda looks like that at first then they dry up. I will get some pics soon, the top of that plant looks rough now, leaves have just crumbled off the top. Being to close to the hood makes since but like i said the other girl is fine and she...
  9. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    yeah Dark, I'm in dark cycle right now, but as soon as i can get some light in there i will take a pic, it is the weirdest looking thing. She is still doing good as far as flowering, it is just turning yellow, and the ones that have been yellow for a few days turn dry and break.
  10. moontree farmer

    yellow buds

    I am on day 64 of flower. my buds on one plant are turning yellow, well the leaves coming from the buds. It is doing it from the top down like it is being burnt from the light, but it is shorter than the other lady and she is not doing it looks great. They are not ready, this is my third harvest...
  11. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    man this sucks
  12. moontree farmer

    man this suks

    man this suks
  13. moontree farmer

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I have a 5*5*8 room, what lights do you recommend? Now I have 3-150hps, 1-400hps, and 1-175mh, its nice and bright, white walls, temp stays between 72-85 (on/off), air in , air out, my humidity stays high, around 65,
  14. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    this is my 3rd grow, I have always used the same water, from the same place, and prepared the same way. It has never killed them, and it is same water that mama is drinkin, I just dont get it.
  15. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    he says just water and that he didnt even put any only leaves, but WTF is right.
  16. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    Honestly dont know what to kill first bro in law or plants, guess plants are dead...
  17. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    You are right they do look poisoned, as if someone watered with gasoline, I dont get it. As far as mother plant the only feeding she gets is in the soil. She justa fat mama I guess. Have already started new batch, also bout to start a few seeds... thanks
  18. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    I got the best pics I can, its actually during my dark cycle so maybe I can get some better tonight. As you can see mom is doing well, and that is what they all looked like at the first of the month. The cold spell did make the me think at one time that they were stressing but as soon as temps...
  19. moontree farmer

    Can I save them

    I left my girls for 3 nights 4 days and had my bro in law look after them during my time away. I left him with complete instructions on what to do but when I get back I believe I have lost 6 outta 8 and they are now 25 days into flower. They are literally brown and dry as if they were sprayed...
  20. moontree farmer

    I need Heat!!

    Thanks for all the great info and remedies for solving my temp issues. I actually think I battled through the cold spells like a pro some leaves started to curl on the plants closest to the door but, soon after we had a warm up and things were looking fine. Now new problem, I am 24 days into...