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  1. I

    Hermies in Action

    seperate them!!!
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i have mold on my roots. what can i do to save my plants? how bad is the mold for my plants and me when and if i smoke the bud?
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    Wtf !!!! 1 day this happen shes going down !!!! Today makes 8 weeks from oct .29

    im not sure what the problem is but good luck with that sad situation.
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    i have room for a four foot plant. it is 6-7 inches right now. in a hydro set up. when should i...

    i have room for a four foot plant. it is 6-7 inches right now. in a hydro set up. when should i switch to my 150 w hps light on a 12\12 cycle?