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    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    7 out of 9 are female. Well, one of those might be hermie, I still have to continue investigating that one. Overall, though, they've been fairly easy to grow. This is my first grow so i'm pretty excited that things seem to be working out. I might look into other mandala strains after this one.
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    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    I probably should've force flowered my hashberry. It has grown almost as high as my neck since flowering 20 days ago. I'd venture to say it's grown about a foot and a half since flowering.
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    Transgendered plant..

    So, I have 7 lovely ladies flowering. 7 out of 9 were female thanks to Mandala seeds. Well, 6 and one questionable. She looks great, very hairy but I found two seeds on one of the bud sites. Naturally, I picked them off. Will I be okay? Will my bud get seeded? I really don't want to kill her...
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    Another male or female thread

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I am too anxious. I really don't want seeded bud, though. How far along until they start releasing male pollen?
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    Another male or female thread

    Okay, so I have a really shitty camera phone and don't feel like using it. I need written help. So, I have 5 showing hairs (out of 9) and there are 4 that I'm not sure what they are. It's only been a couple days into flowering (not even 7) but I vegged them for 7 weeks. The ones that I'm not...
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    How should I suspend my light

    I use 4 of those hooks that go into walls, two pulleys and some rope. Put up two hooks for each side of the light, throw a pulley on each hook. Put the other two hooks somewhere on the side of the wall, so you can wrap the rope around and adjust it how you wish. Thread the rope through the...
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    Ok ok ok

    Get a high intensity light. HPS or Metal Halide. My light was fairly cheap, I got it off of Ebay. Insidesun and HGTsupply have really cheap ones as well, it depends on how much you're willing to spend. I use pro mix soil which seems better for the price. You might want to do away with the...
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    Autoflowering outdoors

    Do you think there would be a dramatic increase in yield or pretty much the same if you grew an autoflowering plant outdoors? I mean, you would be growing it for the same amount of time no matter what but a with better light and environment.
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    keep me updated, I'm thinking about putting in an order before my hashberry finish. nice grow so far.
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    Shoots everywhere!

    Sorry for the quality of the photo.
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    Shoots everywhere!

    Okay, so all of my plants of doing well except for one. It just seems to want to form shoots everywhere. Like, shoots upon shoots with more shoots. It looks really deformed and bushy. I've been thinking about picking some off to make it look somewhat normal. Would this be a bad idea or a good idea?
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    Problem with light timer...

    Okay, so I have one of those cheap light timers where you push down the notches when you want the circuit to go off, and when you want it to come on. It's not it doesn't shut off the light. I'm wondering, do I have to plug it into the main socket? I have been plugging it into a...
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    Seedlings' Leaves are Turning Yellow & Brown

    My plants are doing the same thing. Damn. I think I'm going to go buy some fox farm nutes tomorrow. Only two of nine are doing it. I hope they make it out. I treat all of them pretty much the same, only watering when they appear dry, with the same distilled water. I'm guessing some plants are...
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    Initial leaves yellowing...

    I have some hashberry going right now. They're starting on their third set of leaves. The new growth is doing pretty well. However, the bottom two leaves are yellowing and appearing very dry. They were transplanted into bigger pots last weekend and put under a 430 watt hps. The light is...
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    Your plant looks great. I suppose you're right. I might just transplant soon anyways. I'm a little eager to get them out of fluorescents and under the son agro light I have. Plus, I'm tired of them being in my closet and I'm ready for them to move downstairs. I'll probably keep my clones under...
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    Ok, so I have 9 hashberry plants just about a week from sprouting and they're showing through the bottom of 4" pots. Do I have to get them out right now? Or can I wait a day or two? I'm still getting my cabinet ready and plan on picking up a fan tonight for the cab, which I plan to install...
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    watering during germination

    So, I have my 10 hashberry seeds in 4" pots. I watered them last night, came home around 5 or 6 today and it was pretty dry. I've been giving them about a cup of water each. Is this okay? Should I give them more? Will two 23w cfls be enough to make them sprout? I'm planning on getting two more...
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    Can i grow from seed to finish with only a Son Agro HPS

    Son Agro lights supposedly work great. They actually have a diverse spectrum which works well for veg and flower. I would say, there are a few problems with your situation, though. A 430 watt is a lot for a small closet grow. You'll need ventilation. Also, you'd probably want to grow more than...
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    Germination in Soil

    I'm more worried about when to use the light. Will they even be able to fully sprout without light? I'm not using the paper towel method. While I know it's not a bad idea for newbs. On the mandala website, he recommends placing directly into soil. I feel like it's just a way of mimicking their...
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    Germination in Soil

    Okay, so I know this is a dumb question but I don't want to make any dumb mistakes from the start. I'm getting ready to start my hashberry seeds and it's recommended to just drop them straight in the soil. I was wondering, do I put flouros on them right after I plant them or wait for something...