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  1. M

    Passive air intake question

    The outside air temp is less than 10 degrees. I Cnt see any other reason for them to hermie as everything is spot on. So if my exhaust fan is 8" I will need 2 8" inlet vents open in the tent? Cheers
  2. M

    Passive air intake question

    Hi lads and lasses was wondering if someone can give me some advice on passive intakes?? i use a green room tent 8'x4' with a 8" exhaust fan which shifts 1500m3 of air an hour, now normally i would use a forced air method in the way of an 6" intake fan which puts in 552m3 of air. Over the past...
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    Growers that don't smoke

    I stopped smoking weed around 7 years ago when my first child was born, so because i dont smoke i thought i would give growing a try :grin:
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    CANA PK13/14

    Is there a specific time when to use it and when to stop and also is there anything that could go terribly wrong?
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    CANA PK13/14

    Does anyone use this cana pk 13/14? I have bought some and looking for any tips or advice on how and when to use this. cheers MrGreen
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    Soil for seedlings and care

    Does anyone use normal potting soil for seedling if so at what point do you start to add nutes?
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    Stealth box query

    So im looking to create a little stealth veg box, somewhere i can germinate and grow on seeds for a few weeks before they go into the main tent. Will it need a mh that i currently use or can i get away with using a cfl. also what are these little cpu fans that people use and can i buy them to...
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    After germination

    you should be fine putting them under 400watt mh, its what i have always done and has worked for me. just make sure the light is not to close and the temps/humidity are ok aswell
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    Seedling care

    Cuttings is one thing i have not tried before and not sure if i will as you can not guarantee what strain they will be unless you trust who you get them off. a friend of mine had a few and they looked rather tall and skinny and didnt produce much yield, not sure if that was down to the cuttings...
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    Seedling care

    So after germinating my seeds they go straight into soil in small pots and under 400watt MH lights. How does people care for their seedlings and what lights do they go under once potted?? mrgreen
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    Magnesium deficiency

    checked my run off ph and its at 7.0 and thats after a flush. could this be nute burn?? cheers
  12. M

    Magnesium deficiency

    Hi this is the feed am using it says on the instructions to use 5ml to every ltr of water, im am using only 2.5ml to every ltr. i think i will give it a flush double check me run off ph then adjust to suit cheers
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    Magnesium deficiency

    heres a couple of better pics when the lights out. cheers mrgreen
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    Magnesium deficiency

    Ok so it looks like i may have a magnesium deficiency as some of the leaves are yellow turning brown in areas and feel like paper. im growing in soil (cana professional) and into 2nd week of flower. i have read that using epsom salts can correct it but using to much may make this worse. Has any...
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    Plant height?????

    so i could just bend over the main stem and tie it down? im not wanting to lift the others up as im only a few weeks into flowering cheers mr green
  16. M

    Plant height?????

    yeah the lights were to far away as at first i had them too close my fail. what does supercrop and lst mean??
  17. M

    Plant height?????

    So 3 plants are much taller than the rest due to them being in veg for longer now they are seriously close to the 600watt hps light is there anything i could do to sort this out. any help would be great heres a pic cheers mr green
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    My Leaf Edges Are Curling Up Over

    Im into 3rd week of veg. i have 9 plants under a 600watt mh. the edges of the leaf are starting to curl up over I think its due to heat as it i have noticed it climb above the desired temp a few times. This has never happened before as before i have only used 400watt for veg. could this be...
  19. M

    Help with seeds???

    yeah i dont what them to hermie again but if the conditions are right and no power cuts lol then hopefully they wont. am just not sure what to do pop them and see what happens or go and buy some already feminized seeds that i have done in the past
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    Help with seeds???

    hi mate it was all female plants but 1 branch on 1 plant grew a pollen sack that i burst and pollinated the rest lol