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    Wisconsin Revolt

    A vote for the Govenor is a vote for the people...after all the people are paying the teachers salery and there is no reason why they should be over paid or receive any benifits that an average doesnt person get...that is just ripping off the general public. Being in a public union does not mean...
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    Went to Gun Range-- Anyone Shot a Gun While High?

    When messing around with something that can end your or someone elses life there is no place for impaired opinion...I have SKS, AR, shotguns, hand guns, and will build anything. Have any of you replaced the firing pin on your SKS due to double / slam fires or full auto
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    Unlawful Searches and Seizures

    Oh...I don't know...maybe UPS...or some other non government mailing service...using USPS will get you additional charges if they want to press the issue...that is reason enough not to use them. Thanks for the welcome and I was refering to spores not seeds as I think the feds view them...
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    Bangladesh Rape Victim Flogged To Death

    There are radical groups in this country trying to get Shariah Law to be allowed to be practiced in our country (USA) right now. Wake up before its to late.
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    Unlawful Searches and Seizures

    Never never never use USPS to mail things like that. Your asking the Gvmt. to deliver illegal substances to you or your door???? Are you nuts?
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    Police just got owned.

    About 3-4 years ago I was pulled over one night in my van, broken tail light lenz. I do construction. During the stop the cop asked if I had any guns or bombs in the truck and I said no. He then asked if he could search the van and I said no, absolutly not, BUT if he wanted I would empty the...
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    Quitting Getting Drunk?

    Personaly I quit weed and alcohol back in 79. Havent had any since but that is just me. I just reciently started growing for sick people that I know but I will still not drink or smoke. Wether real or imagined I don't like things that I think are controlling me so I will stop doing them.
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    Vegg Lighting

    The T5 will last way longer before you will need to change bulbs maybe 4-5 MH bulb replacements to 1 T5. You can lower it so it is almost touching the plants without burning them and there are no heat problems with it.
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    The war is on its no longer murder

    As much as I don't care for them any talk about killing cops is nuts...I think this thread should be killed.
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    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    No...I got your's like I said someone will be right and someone will be wrong in their understanding of scripture and and upon their death they will know the answer and their decission will follow them all through eternity.
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    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    If this is how you read and discern scripture I won't argue with you as we would only look like big wheels (going round and round) I will just say that I disagree with your understanding and conclusion of what you are reading. About 1 nano second after death everyone will know if they were...
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    Help!! Fedex gave my package to police now what?

    FEDERAL, does not include crossing state lines Possession of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail and a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first conviction. For a second conviction, the penalties increase to a 15-day mandatory minimum sentence with a maximum of two years in prison and...
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    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    One of the most important deities in Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra (or Re) was the supreme power in the universe. The giver of life, he was often merged with the god Amun as Amun-Ra. Some myths present Ra as the head of the Egyptian pantheon and ruler of all the gods. Others say that he was...
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    Ohio Medical Marijuana Laws?

    I'm also from southern OH down by the river...
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    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    Yes...if they are trying to entice you away from the True and Living God.
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    You can plug it in either way (120V or 240V) if thats what you want to do or it can be hooked up to a switch or it can be hooked to a timer and a contactor. It just depends on how you want it to work.
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    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    You mean if every single person that he tryed to heal, was healed, bar none, you would still need proof? Even people just touching him without him knowing it? And giving life to dead people other than him self?
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    Why Do People Laugh At Creationists?

    What if Abe also could make someone blind since birth see, or someone who was unable to walk walk, or give life to another dead person. How about someone coming up behind him and touching him and being healed of a sickness they had had for decades. Would that be enough?
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    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    Just FYI...if you live in a house that was built around 1950 or before 2007 chances are you drinking water that sits in and flows through copper pipe. As it does this copper is leaching into the water at various rates. If you have a dialetric problem in the system somewhere it is leaching at an...