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  1. JohnnyGreenfingers

    Chicago Bears suck so hard they created a vacuum!

    Lake Michigan is in danger of being consumed in the suck. Discuss.
  2. JohnnyGreenfingers

    Any football fans out there?

    NFL Game Rewind is offering a free weekend, so you can go sign up and watch any games from this weekend or as far back as three years. You can even watch my Lions beating the sorry ass Bears twice this season! Bon apetite!
  3. JohnnyGreenfingers

    Ode to CinnamonGirl

    This reminded me of you. So much so, that I could barely watch it. :sad:
  4. JohnnyGreenfingers

    Happy First Birthday Teddy!!

    Today my chocolate lab baby is one. There will be cupcakes for the canines and brownies for me. She resists the party hat. For now. Her sister wears the hat happily. Here she is last night at bedtime, impatiently waiting for today. Her blanket is bright so she doesn't get sat on, because she...