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  1. token tony

    Cooking soil outside over winter?

    Hey green machine, thanks for posting this for me. Thanks to all who are trying to help also. Outside in my garage I have an old well house that is fairly large and insulated, but there is no heat. Will I be able to skip some of the precautionary steps If I store my soil in there. I dont know...
  2. token tony

    Plants doing Great .... whats my max PPM?

    I agree with Ecip's less is more. I grew two plant's in a waterfarm under a 1000 watter and never went over 1000 ppm. In the end harvested over 25 0's. You just don't need it.
  3. token tony

    Clones will Not Root

    Some strain's don't take that good to being cloned. have you taken clone's of that strain? It could just be a few more day's , just wait it out if they are still alive.
  4. token tony

    how to make buds bigger or go to next phase plz and thank you!!!

    I would say you need more light. the more lumen's the more bud every time.
  5. token tony

    growing 12/12 in 22 gallon totes

    well if you seen it done ,and think you can do the same, then good luck. It would just suck to have some good plant's turn to shit.
  6. token tony

    just wanted to throw up some pic's all feedback welcome

    Long time reader first time poster. Just some pic's from my room's for everyone to look at. A few pic's are from my last harvest.
  7. token tony

    Is this legit?

    I'v had good luck with nirvana on some strain's and not other's. They were very inconsistent on a seed by seed basis, but a few of the different strain's i'v I have grown have been the bomb. I have switched to buying bean's only from sannies for the time being. All of his shit is the bomb, and...
  8. token tony

    First time in soil need advice with flushing

    Don't do it man. You will only stress them out , only flush if you have over did the nute's man. And then use 3 time's the size of the pot.
  9. token tony

    growing 12/12 in 22 gallon totes

    Yeah man i wouldn't advise you do that. I grow single plant's in 20 gal tote's and sometime's pull over a lb apiece. All them plant's will probably end up rootbound. Your much better of using single pots even if they have to be small.
  10. token tony

    Plant sex change surgery

    your not going to be happy with that plant. Toss that mug out the window. lol
  11. token tony

    Strong yellowing of leaves in flowering...

    I would say your under feeding them. Are you using tap water or filtered? if your using filtered then you need to keep using calmag or something similar. or you will start to see problem's. Get yourself a tds meter and see how strong your feed's are. you should be around 1000 or so this far...
  12. token tony


    I am also curious about why you would use 17 hrs of light? at least you know you have a keeper, good luck.
  13. token tony

    Need Help Identifying Sex of Plant!

    pitch it!!!
  14. token tony

    6 Weeks into Flowering, Please help!, is this plant ready?!?!

    look's real good man. if it's only 6 week's then I would start flushing if in soil. But you really need to check the trich's. If you see amber then your real close.
  15. token tony

    Can i get Accurate info for this Plant Deficiency ??? PLEASE!!!!!!

    check the ph of your water . 90% of problem's come from ph issues. are you giving them tap water, well or using filtered?
  16. token tony

    Michigan outdoor grow

    well I will try my best to get you started. First off I also live in mi, and I know of a few people who had some problem's with the there outdoor crop's and the police. So if you have to grow outside make sure you are following all the laws to a tee. That being said step one, get your hand's on...
  17. token tony

    how do u grow indoor ladies that have half pound yields

    very easy to pull 1/2 pound per plant. Try out a water farm with gh nutes veg for 5 or 6 weeks under t5 floro's stick your one or two plants under a 1000 watt bulb and you will pull over a pound. or get yourself some real good soil veg for up to three months with regular transplants final pot...
  18. token tony

    how to fatten up my buds

    add some exhale co2 bags. Get some more wattage