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  1. C

    Should i fight PM?

    neem oil, derived from the nuts of the neem tree, found in india, & cinnimate ,derived from the cinnamon tree, mixed together are great for mites & powdery mildew ...these r both natural & safe to use .. spray once a wk to keep thinks in check .. for mites, use every 3 days for 2 wks , so u...
  2. C

    say bro, did u receive my answer?

    say bro, did u receive my answer?
  3. C

    Hello its me again! Need some help about the plants sex determination now!

    to all who have trouble determining sex without loosing precious time while their babies r still growing.. check out answer i gave to LYKARCKSLAR420.. been doing it this way 4 many yrs ..
  4. C

    How I Get A Pound With 2 Plants!!!!!!!!VIDEO!!!!

    say man, don,t no if i replied to the rt page.. here goes .. use a cheap florescent or those twirly lites u can buy at a 100 watts or more . just put them on a timer for 10hrs on , 14hrs off in complete darkness.. 10 to 14 days u,ll be seeing balls or little hairs. mark which ones u took...
  5. C

    How much weight do you lose from fresh off the plant to dried and cured

    it,s all about experimenting , keeping logs & having fun .. it,s not all in just growing. myself personally, i have never done a grow without keeping a journal of everything, & i mean everything that i did for those plants.. if ever a fuck up , or something that turned out for the better, i...
  6. C

    How much weight do you lose from fresh off the plant to dried and cured

    with supercharged plants they,ll dry +to - 25% of original weight.. in an non- supercharged plant , they,ll dry to 15% of total weight, give or take ............... so, that,s 75% & 85% loss of h20 wetness .. this is proven fact ..
  7. C

    growing in rental house

    advice, hide it very far " OFF THE PROPERTY "
  8. C

    How I Get A Pound With 2 Plants!!!!!!!!VIDEO!!!!

    say man, if ur talkin at me about lites, go get a short florescent or one of those spiral lites .. put it on a timer so the lite is on 10 hrs & 14hrs of complete darkness.. they r very cheap to buy. reason i say 14hrs is to save a few days to sex them .. normal cloning would be 18 to 6 .. hope...
  9. C

    How I Get A Pound With 2 Plants!!!!!!!!VIDEO!!!!

    say brother, if ur open to suggestions, here goes : first of all, if u want a short stockey plant, do lots of topping. every x u top a leader, u get 2 leaders back . i suggest u veg out a minimum of 6 wks .. as far as them being ladies, when they r about 10 to 12" high, cut a 4" clone & put it...
  10. C

    P.s. Olive oil is much healthier than infused butter, charlie

    P.s. Olive oil is much healthier than infused butter, charlie
  11. C

    hi, look up COOKING WITH OLIVE OIL WITH DR DIANNE, guranteed u will be pleased. charlie

    hi, look up COOKING WITH OLIVE OIL WITH DR DIANNE, guranteed u will be pleased. charlie