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  1. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    been gone a while

    Is this sub still polluted populated with ex stormfront folk?
  2. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Rape the gay away pastor sentence removed from 14 years to probation.

    the judge better change this shit or there will be pitchforks on the horizon(i hope).
  3. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Bill burr- Monday morning podcast

    So i've been listening to this podcast for close to 3 yrs now, imo Bill burr is one of the funniest comedians alive, so i'm always tuning in on tuesdays after it's been uploaded and i end up laughing like a school girl while i'm at class or at work. those of you who have not tuned in enjoy this...
  4. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Subcool seeds- Mickey Kush ETA?

    So i haven't tried any new subcool genetics for about 8 months, this one was in testing and got some ridiculous numbers I don't know what CBG is but it seems this strain has very high amounts of it.
  5. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Conspiracy theorist Conspiracy

    this video had me laughing like i haven't in weeks, even the first few seconds are worth checking out. people who are like me who find conspiracy theorists to be subjects of great amusement and objects to laugh at will enjoy this too...
  6. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Ayn Rand, Sociopath or plain ol' Psycho?

    recently began reading her works, finished Atlas Shrugged last month and began reading The Fountainhead this week. i know i started reading her novels because i wanted to understand why she has the following she does. Is it just me or do they read like they were written by a mentally unstable...
  7. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Who here doesn't toke?

    anyone come here for the ambiance? anyone come here just for the community/company? for me i smoke the ganja, grow it, ask peeps for experience/opinions and give mine. although this site is really varied, just wondering what you all do here(obviously we spend/waste time here as well).
  8. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Contraception is bad mmmkay!

    so the long held talking point that contraception leads to more abortion seems to have been refuted through evidence New Study Confirms Obamacare’s Birth Control Mandate Will Reduce Abortion Rate not that it actually needed to be stated, unless you live in a cave.
  9. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    420 traditions?

    My friends and i have a tradition that on 420, we smoke from wake till sleep, go to the movies in the morning, then we go play some video games, then we go to an all you can eat buffet, been doing this for the last 4-5 years, its awesome. besides smoking the utmost amount of cannabis, what else...
  10. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    "Smoked Crack for the fist time"

    something nobody has ever said this to me up until yesterday, fucking killed the smoke sesh i was taking part in and ended up becoming an intervention. i didn't know the kid but i can't fucking stand it when people bring up depressing shit when smoking in a group. do that some other time if you...
  11. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman


    lets say you were offered the ability to be fossilized at your death, whenever it came. Would you like to be? personally, i like the idea, stick me in mud or ash, cement, w/e if i can be preserved to be studied by some future species then all the better no? i think its a lot more interesting to...
  12. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Worst text you've sent someone and what was the fallout?

    tell the truth, ill start out i sent a pick of my gf back to her but actually sent it to my sister whom has the same name lol, it was a nude pic of her(gf) sitting on the bed playing marvel vs capcom 3, with tag "want 2 play?" conversation that ensued with sister afterwords was full of...
  13. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    ron paul libertarian hypocrite

    So the god of the current cult of ayn rand(libertarians), decided to run to the UN, whom he clearly despises, asking for them to give him the "" domain name from his own supporters by way of confiscation. Fuck the free market he's always championed, gimme gimme. When he asked...
  14. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    What's the worst thing you've witnessed someone do, but did nothing about?(or did)

    For me, i was skipping school one day walking on train tracks, i saw a homeless man getting the shit beaten out of him by 2 other men, i kinda froze up and just ran, i was around 11-12 at the time. kinda stuck with me for a few weeks.
  15. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman


    So there's a really talented youtube music producer called "melodysheep" that produces remixes of stuff like scientific speeches, video's, documentaries and whatnot called Symphony of Science this is his newest video, pretty damn funny and a bunch of...
  16. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    sickening, truly sickening.

    A lawyer and devout christian who represents an anti-gay alliance trust fund was found with child pornography that she filmed herself. Of her own daughter, to which she even took part in, containing several other sexual partners as well. When in court the defendant was recorded on tape...
  17. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    anxiety attacks

    Recently, i've been having chronic anxiety attacks, they come and go usually within 1-2 minutes but the onset is always like a "awe fuck!" moment for me, its been getting very intrusive, from having them in class or even during sex, idk if its because its finals week or just because i've got a...
  18. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Soursop cure for cancer

    So apparently there is a tropical fruit that grows in asia and south america called the soursop that kills damaged cancer cells like chemo but not the undamaged ones, making it a perfect replacement therapy. i thought it...
  19. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    stoned animals picture thread.

    Here's one looks like me after a nice bong rip. get some pics of stoned animales or funny vids on animals... just saw a classic southpark episode where they start tripping off cough syrup and they had video's of animals filmed on a wide angle lense.... great stuff...
  20. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Friggin Bulbasaur Pipe- badass

    just saw this on facebook? anyone got pics of other sick cartoon bongs/pipes?