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  1. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    ok im just going to transplant...sounds like i just need to get away from the not going to waste my time trying to save it in the MG...if transplanting doesnt work im only in week 5 of veg.....could be in week 5 of flower.
  2. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    but should i go ahead and give it more nutes? and also should i pluck those 2 yellow/hrown leaves? theyre just old 3-fan leaves i dont believe they matter
  3. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    i may look into that mix then man cuz i really just need something quick
  4. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    would u suggest going ahead and adding nutes again since i added so little last time? im fixin to water again now thats why i ask lol
  5. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    ive heard nothing but good about fox farms too. i would have gotten something like that but i was in a hurry for some soil when i planted this seed because the fucked germinated in like 2 days when i was thinkin id have a couple extra days to get some soil so i hada run to walmart and grab...
  6. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    Thanks for the tips guys...but JL i have grown this plant from seed not from clone so i dont know if that would make difference on what you suggested. i doubt i can make it all the way thru veg. with the MG soil if its already giving me problems because im just now in week 5...i figure i got a...
  7. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    do u think transplanting would be ok? the thought of uprooting my baby scares me more than the yellow leaves must i go about it? and any suggestions for a new soil?
  8. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    plus i know lots of folks who have had good yeild using MG soil. gotta be something im doing wrong
  9. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    any suggestions on what i can do? i mean its been growing great...gotta be something that can help
  10. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    im using miracle grow potting soil....and have only added nutes once and that was about 3-4 days ago, and the yellowing started be4 i used like 1/10 strength lol so i doubt its nute that a good soil tho?
  11. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    sorry guys forgot to add pics...they should be there now tho
  12. M

    My first grow, week 5, having a few problems, need some good advice quick.

    hey guys any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Im in week 5 of my first grow and ive already lost my first to single fan leaves and my first 2 3-fan leaves the other day( as it was there time to go), but im having a little problem. It seems the next set of leaves up is yellowing also...
  13. M

    Is my plant retarded? (pic)

    and maybe a little retarded :P but seems to be fine
  14. M

    CFL grow; yellowing of older, lower leaves.....normal or nute def.?pic

    Hey guys, any input on this would be greatly appreciated. Im pretty sure that older, lower leaves are yellowing and dying just because its about the time for that to happen. is this correct? ive heard that sooner or later the one-fan starters and three-fan starters die off eventually for newer...
  15. M

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!! Leaves turning yellow/purple!!!

    how exactly do i mix the nutes man...ive been told conflicting things on the best way to do it of course.
  16. M

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!! Leaves turning yellow/purple!!!

    ...sorry about the horrible quality...but u can clearly see what im talking about
  17. M

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!! Leaves turning yellow/purple!!!

    im fixin to post pics now
  18. M

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!! Leaves turning yellow/purple!!!

    temps. are good...between 75-80 pretty constant....when u say 1/4 strength tho, what exactly do u mean?
  19. M

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!! Leaves turning yellow/purple!!!

    i am trying to get pics up now. I am not having problems so much with the stems becoming purple as i am with the actual leaves turning purple with yellowing at the tips. I slowed down on the watering and it seems to be helping a bit with the drooping but should i be giving it food yet only 5...