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  1. asienk

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    erica, you are the most annoying person on this forum.
  2. asienk

    PC Case Too Small, CFL Lights Burning Plants

    im finishing up a pc grow with an ak48 fem seed in it. my box is a lot smaller than yours. i believe i only had 16 inches of grow space. heres what you gotta do. start 12/12 from seed. and LST or SCROG the crap out of it. your plants dont look too far into flowering so grab the branches and bend...
  3. asienk

    Another 2012 Thread.

    why is that? dont just say change is coming, give a reason...
  4. asienk

    Flavoring weed?

    there are flavor drops you can add to your weed. never tried them but you can find them at headshops
  5. asienk

    Why does the plant look like this??? Is it bad or no this is my first grow

    you need 6700k for veg and 2700k for flower. but a mixture of both is recommended. you can buy CFLs at any store. Make sure you get ones with a high wattage (dont mind the equivalent wattage, just the true wattage). also just so you know "kush" doesnt exactly mean its a high quality strain, its...
  6. asienk

    Why does the plant look like this??? Is it bad or no this is my first grow

    it needs just as much maintenance as any grade marijuana plant needs. if i were you scrap the plant. it has stretched way too much. unless you get a better setup the plant is not even worth your time and effort.
  7. asienk

    Need Help! Determine What I am as I Grow Up?

    how are the plants?
  8. asienk

    Pot doesn't Smell like Pot

    drying and curing will make it smell better. if im correct whats making it smell different at harvest is the chlorophyll in the plant matter. it evaporates through drying and curing.
  9. asienk

    Hey All I'm New to This and Would like Some Help Please!

    Make sure your exhaust fan is place at the top of your grow area. and have in the intake on the bottom. you can also have your lights to turn on at night when the temperature drops, so at the hottest times of the day your lights will be off. If you add CO2 to your grow space the plants should be...
  10. asienk

    Hey All I'm New to This and Would like Some Help Please!

    14 degrees celsius is a little low. thats equivalent to 57.2 degrees fahrenheit. You want it to range between 68-78 F (20-25.5 C). Cold temperature may cause purple coloring, but that could also be caused by strain/genetics. Nevertheless you still need to raise your temperature. Dont start...
  11. asienk

    Need Help! Determine What I am as I Grow Up?

    looks great! did you only put the clone into flower?
  12. asienk

    Confidential Cheese Ready or Not Here I Smoke

    invest in a microscope and look at the trichomes. deciding when to harvest by looking at the hairs isnt exactly the most efficient way...
  13. asienk

    How Do I Sell My Weed

    youre in college and you smoke pot, and youre asking us how to get to the college and find people who smoke pot?
  14. asienk

    Weird Autoflower Seedling. Anyone Else Seen This?

    other than the stretching, nute burn (i think) and the abnormal small size for a 3 week old plant. I dont see anything wrong with it. If i were you I would transplant it into a pot. What about it do you think is not normal?
  15. asienk

    1st Grow, PC Grow White Widow

    by the way are these feminised seeds?
  16. asienk

    When to Start Flowering? Need Help from the Pros

    that plant is definitely budding or in the process of going back to veg. you should continue vegging since youve already had it in 18/6. switching to flowering again will stress the plant even more. if you want your plant to fill out and become more bushy you need to add more lights and in the...
  17. asienk

    Sticky Stuff on the Leaves-Question

    sounds to me like mildew or mold. check your humidity levels and temps. and make sure you got good airflow.
  18. asienk

    Mutant Plants

    they are all showing signs of nitrogen deficiency. but other than that they look great!
  19. asienk

    Them's Some Big Women!

    be careful when you stake them. dont want to damage the roots
  20. asienk

    [420] Hazes Journal - SLH HomeBox Grow 2011

    i would top them. in my opinion scrog is more effective when you have a lot of plants. i would top it in such a way that you get several main colas.