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  1. R

    Ever think about going off the grid?

    I have begun to seriously look into those tiny houses that have been in the news lately, the ones on wheels. I'd love to explore parts of the country taking my pad with me, especially some of the remote parts of the west / southwest, and the Rockies. I actually prefer being alone, so that's...
  2. R

    Have you ever done a good deed for someone you will never meet?

    Instant Karma: Picking up someone whose car broke down, and having them pity your falling-apart beater so bad they give you $20 :D Happened to me about ten years back.
  3. R

    What the hell has happened to music & people?

    Radio stations play the blandest stuff possible to get the most listeners. The more specialized a song is, the more people who love that style will tune in - but the more it will alienate people who don't love it. They don't care whether you love what they're playing or not, if you're tuned in...
  4. R

    She cant get high

    I'm not smoking, I'm vaping! :p Hey, he said juicing without elaborating. That's what it usually means.
  5. R

    She cant get high

    Juicing is using male hormones supplementally to aid in weightlifting. @ OP: I just got a good vape for about $140 after doing a lot of reading here and at (Extreme Q). I'm really happy with it and would recommend it. One of my reasons was a persistent cough and lung...
  6. R

    Coughing badly

    I used to smoke 1-2 packs of cigs a day and even small bong hits used to slay me. Not quite where you're at with the barfing but tons of coughing and feeling like shit because of it. Used to regularly cough up dark brown goo too. I quit a long time ago, these days I can't cough on a bong hit...
  7. R

    Stuffy nose, anyone?

    I've been smoking for almost 20 years, and it completely corks up my nose & sinuses every single time. I've just gotten used to it.
  8. R

    Fuck the human race.

    Do you live in New York? We've raised minding our own business to an art form here, and honestly when I go elsewhere it feels like people are really nosy and all up in my face all the time. To each his own I guess.
  9. R

    Now ladies this is a real bummer.

    I have the opposite problem... I'm not complaining =)
  10. R

    Have you ever had a moment of realization?

    "It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this...
  11. R

    So who is 'the best' adult star?

    It's a few years old, but Teagan Presley in that little red riding hood bit she did with those 2 guys was unreal, she gets my vote just for that. Bonus: One of the guys looks JUST LIKE Shaggy from Scooby-doo. It's freaky, google it.
  12. R

    Getting My Dog High.

    I kinda wanna get my dog baked some time. He's 12 years old, so at least once, ya know? But, he's a really calm and relaxed dog, so maybe he doesn't need it as much as me o.O Either way I wouldn't blow smoke at him. I was thinking just a small little cookie... but idk if dogs digest it the...
  13. R

    Vagina or Weed?

    Weed, cause its not attached to an evil person with no conscious =P
  14. R


    I'm cut and wish I wasn't. It's my body, nobody else had the right to mutilate it. Studies finding it to be beneficial or at least harmless are no different from studies finding that weed is harmful - both are bogus and paid for by wealthy, powerful and utterly corrupt lobby groups. The only...
  15. R

    So you're standing before God, and the only way into Heaven is...

    Something by Weird Al for sure. If God doesn't have a sense of humor I'm not sure heaven's for me.
  16. R

    Another stupid Facebook post results in a armed robbery.

    Without a doubt, "social networking" is the absolute worst thing to have come of the tech revolution. I lmao'd when Facebook's stock took a nosedive after going public a few months back. I'll never have a fb / twitter / etc. account.
  17. R

    Ways to improve patients?

    Try meditation. It's as simple as focusing your attention on your breathing for 15 minutes. Your mind will wander and you'll have to vigilantly refocus on your breathing. It shows you just how disjointed and fragmented your mind can be. It's kinda like mental exercise, actually, and like the...
  18. R

    What do you guys think about spice?

    Kinda funny that an attempt to eradicate a harmless plant has led to alternatives which are harmful. It's actually kinda a common thing with us humans. In parts of the world we try to eradicate sex, and well, red states have higher teen preggers and abortion rates... God forbid anyone allow...
  19. R

    How Would You Describe the USA to a Foreigner?

    It's 3,000 miles wide by 2,000 north-south. It has every climate type and elevation. It has some of the best natural beauty in the known world. It has people of every skin color and religion. If you're busy complaining you're not busy exploring.
  20. R

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    Weed is a plant. It can't ruin your life. You can do a number on yourself by making bad choices though, such as smoking too much weed. The nice part is that any time you want to turn it around, you can.