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  1. M

    Weird leaves...please help

    Didn't realize until too late that I put this in the wrong section. Should've been in Plant Problems. The temperature is pretty low. They are in the basement in the northeast US so it's been around 40 degrees outside. I've been meaning to get a heater but I just lack the funds right now.
  2. M

    Weird leaves...please help

    Two of my plants have something going on with the leaves. They are Satori seeds from Mandala seed company. They are about six weeks old. They are in a mixture of MG organic and Bumper Crop (which is a soil amendment that includes worm castings). They look really healthy except for these leaves...
  3. M

    Switching the cycle

    So I'm growing in my basement and I'm in one of the northern states so it gets really cold at night. I have my lights set on an 18/6 schedule where their sunrise is 5 am. Is there anyway to switch it so their day cycle is at night without hurting the plants? I can't afford heaters right now and...
  4. M

    Stay Away From Everyone Does it!

    I'm in the US and I just received my order after less than a week. I almost didn't buy from edit due to the mass amount of bad reviews but they had the cheapest price on the strain that I wanted (Mandala Seeds Satori). I had heard that people overseas were getting their orders quickly but people...
  5. M

    Should I harvest yet.

    I cut it down a bit and lowered the light. The lower branches hadn't fully developed yet but the upper branches and the main cola were ready. Drying them out now. So excited for it to be finished. And yes it is almost better than money. I appreciate it more now that I'm growing it myself.
  6. M

    Should I harvest yet.

    Thanks everyone. I have already cut some off and fast dried it about 2 weeks ago to try it. I think I'm going to go get a magnifying glass so I can check the color of the trichs. If there are some amber ones I think I will cut it down.
  7. M

    Should I harvest yet.

    Just wondering if I should harvest this plant. It's been flowering since about the second week of August. I don't have a magnifying glass that's powerful enough to see the trich heads so I'm going by the pistil color. Under the hps I couldn't tell so I put it under regular light and there are...
  8. M

    Flowering plants are looking pretty haggard

    I have 2 plants in flowering right now. They both looked pretty good when I put them in. There was some stretching during veg so they weren't that bushy but they were nice and green and there were plenty of bud sites. Now, about a month and a half later, they are really straggly. A good...
  9. M

    Topping and LST, just making sure I'm doing it right

    Also, if you want to see a tall plant, this is one of my other plants I'm growing. It is roughly 5 feet tall.
  10. M

    Plant bent almost in half over night

    These are the plants I'm referring to. This is them before starting flowering and they still look exactly the same (except a little taller) The taller one is Sativa dom and I'm pretty sure it's either Sugarpunch or Shackzilla (I got them mixed up as I was transplanting) And the shorter one is...
  11. M

    Plant bent almost in half over night

    It's was only in week 2 of flowering so there weren't any buds on it so there was no extra weight. Plus the stem is pretty sturdy on both of them. They have straightened themselves out for the most part but I'm still just wondering why they did it. My first though was that the stem couldn't...
  12. M

    Topping and LST, just making sure I'm doing it right

    Thank you, I wasn't really sure how far to do it. Is it normal for it to not grow very fast after starting LST?
  13. M

    Topping and LST, just making sure I'm doing it right

    It's only about 2 feet tall, if that. And yes that container is too small, I need to transplant it but I need to wait until I have money to buy another container. I hadn't anticipated growing this plant and didn't buy enough pots.
  14. M

    Topping and LST, just making sure I'm doing it right

    Thanks anyway, it was still helpful.
  15. M

    Topping and LST, just making sure I'm doing it right

    Thanks :) Does anyone know what I should do when it starts to grow taller? Should I untie it and tie it down at a different spot? Also since I topped it, it should make the two top shoots become two main colas right? Should I tie them down as well when they start getting taller?
  16. M

    Plant bent almost in half over night

    I was also under the impression that over watering causes the droopy/wilty leaves not under that correct?
  17. M

    Plant bent almost in half over night

    Anyone else have any input on what could be causing this or does everyone agree that they were just under watered? Keep in mind that the leaves were not wilty, they looked fine. With the obvious exception of the very bottom ones I mentioned.
  18. M

    Topping and LST, just making sure I'm doing it right

    I have 2 plants vegging and on one of them I topped and started LST. It seems to be going well but I'm just looking for some feed back. One leaf has some yellowing on it, just wondering what that is. This plant is the same age as my two that are flowering that are 4 and 5 feet tall but I didn't...
  19. M

    Plant bent almost in half over night

    The majority of the leaves are fine, very perky, it's just the very bottom leaves that are dying. I believe that's because they aren't getting any light but I could be wrong.
  20. M

    Plant bent almost in half over night

    I watered them right after that happened to the second one. Do you think under watering could be causing it? I've been scared to water too much because it's so easy to over water. Plus I'm using MG soil which releases nutes everytime you water and I don't want to cause nute burn. But I will keep...