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  1. 3xOG

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    thanks abm thats what I wanted to do. the pic of how tall she is actually was taken over a week ago (she is def fatter) and the zoomed in pic was today. goin to start flushing and give as much time as I can untill I see mold on the actual buds. Im rock throwing distance from the ocean so the...
  2. 3xOG

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    found a patch of mold on the lower stem of this bud today and highly considering chopping a little early now. Any thoughts on how ready this might be I was going to give her two more weeks. Thanks for any info... never got the greenhouse setup now im trying to dodge the mold. This no rain has...
  3. 3xOG

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    haha JJ should be sponsored by Costco Carport
  4. 3xOG

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    I have a whole backyard but there are alot of tree stumps and such to where I can not just set a large greenhouse. I can probably find a nice clean 5x10 area or so though to set one up. I am renting so I cant just take out all the trees. This is how my yard is shaped...
  5. 3xOG

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    everything looks good jj I have read all 50 pages. you have convinced me to get a greenhouse going however I do not have the space you have. Would you recomend building one like yourself only smaller over buying a decent one for 2-300 online and why if so? or is there any that I can buy put...
  6. 3xOG

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    you are going to love that la cheese. I need to find some more of those clones for my next cycle. They turned out to be my favorite from my last indoor grow. La Con is amazing, one of my abs favorite strains, curious how much you yeild on it, I did not get much.