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  1. W

    lemon skunk vs. super lemon haze...

    Really?? I thought that was obvious.. The SLH has more sativa in it (hence the haze cross), finishes a bit later than the LS and has a totally different high. If you a sativa fan, the SLH will appeal more than the LS, which is indica dominant.. Does taste similar, but hey most lemon strains do...
  2. W

    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    Im just over 70 days now, slight signs of it beginning to come into harvest, I recon maybe 2-3 weeks more... Yields so far look low, bud sites are few and far between, although what is on the small sites is starting to fill in a bit...
  3. W

    Plant growing irregularly

    How far is that into flower, looks like a couple of weeks to me? Looks healthy enough, sometimes its just genetics... a bad hybrid.. sometimes its other factors like heat stress.... more info?
  4. W

    Leaves Turning Yellow!

    The burnt leaves will remove themselves mate ;) This is still salvageable though.. put them in a new home and in a week or two they should pick back up....
  5. W

    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    I think im looking at 100+ day flower myself... ive had some decent barneys stuff, the amnesia lemon and LSD i loved...
  6. W

    Not Sure Whats Wrong

    new pot of soil.. not new layer on top ;)
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    Not Sure Whats Wrong

    Well id put them in some new soil, and let them dry out a bit... regrow some new roots, no doubt pick up just fine...
  8. W

    Leaves Turning Yellow!

    Well thats a burn of some kind, you can see that a mile off, bleached the leaves right through.. That soil mix sounds overkill to me.. I tend to stick with pre made organic soils myself... but yeah that mixture sounds like a lot of food... potting mix, compost and manure..????
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    Not Sure Whats Wrong

    Looks like over feeding, whats in your soil mix?
  10. W

    Need help plz

    Rot / mold / fungus.... every plant?? if not yet it will be soon.. get humidity down if you can... too much water, you answered that yourself.. get rid of anything thats rotting... get that humidity down!
  11. W

    Read the 420magazine guide but still not sure wtf is up :(

    "me big plant"... "you little pot"... Tarzan say "Root bound..." Check the roots man, do they come straight out??? looks like a root issue.....
  12. W

    Barneys Farm LSD Phenotype?

    I have been growing out the Sativa phenotype. Ive not seen any other phenos myself, but I only worked from 2 fem seeds, nice strain, but the flowering is around 85 days and yields are modest at best. Its quite a lanky strain, mostly finishes about 5 foot, and it doesn't like a lot of nutes. Slow...
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    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    And of course I am aware this strain would flourish no doubt under the right conditions, but if I had the right conditions to grow a pure Sativa i'd of ordered some, but I don't
  14. W

    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    Well i'm still feeling disappointed with my Tangerine Dream... 10 days away from the claimed "70 days", with very very little bud formation or trichome production. I look to have a phenotype thats pretty much pure haze, and not in a good way.. Im banking on a 14-15 week flower if not more, and a...
  15. W

    New leaves thin & curled will this effect yield

    As with anything, starting out is always overwhelming... we think were are doing it wrong... with a little time, your learn when things are really wrong, or just a bit of paranoia....
  16. W

    Barney's Farm LSD Feminized

    I know nothing about dimmable HPS set ups i'm afraid.. Unless some major break through in HID technology has happened (it may have, i'm getting old and my memory ain't so hot these days).. the 600 watt HPS is the most efficient of the range, unless its a small grow where you can't vent out the...
  17. W

    Growing well, but new growth pale green/yellow? * PHOTOS*

    That looks like over feeding to me mate. Don't know whats in Fox Farms soil, but it looks like its to much....
  18. W

    Spots on leaves with leaf hooking

    My moneys on over feeding, I bet your arse those spots go gold, then turn into massive patches of nute burn... done it myself a few
  19. W

    What happened??

    Looks like too much nitrogen, that plant looks very dark green, do you have any signs of nute burn on the tips of those leaves?? If not it could be over watering, posting a pic of your face online with a plant, thats just dumb man...if I was a moderator id take that down.. think man think :)
  20. W

    Barney's Farm LSD Feminized

    General rule of thumb is 50 watts per plant, although your do better with slightly more than that... i'd go with a 600 watt... 1000w isn't as efficient and gives out uber amounts of heat!