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  1. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    Ahhhh it got silent! I have planned out most of my grow from the info I got here.... My first grow will be two auto flowering plants just to get the hang of indoor growing, if I can handle an 8 foot monster outdoors I think I can manage a 2 foot auto lol So this is the plan, much...
  2. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    Earlier you said she smoked a ounce per week...maybe that was a typo as an ounce per month is a lot different than one per week. An ounce per month can be done with one room. I'd guesstimate your yields to the lower end. 2-3 ounces per plant is realistic...4 is on the optimal side. Yea, typo...
  3. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    Link please???
  4. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    You will need TWO areas. 1 for vegging and clones. 1 for flowering. What if I didn't need a perpetual grow? Like technically if what everyone is saying is correct. I should expect 2-5 OZ's per plant the 2 being on the low end until I get the hang of doing this indoors. I can grow 2-3 Plants in...
  5. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    Without a air cooled hood...600 watts are generally 2 feet away from the tops of plants. I plan on using a cooled tube, I have been looking at one that has a fan in the tube and two ports on each side for ventilation tubing... those would go to the top of the box and be connected to open...
  6. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    Phresh filters.... what size filter would I need for this space? While I am at it I know filters depend on the fan... what size fan would I need to grab?
  7. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    I sure hope so :-) I will get most of the parts from a local hydro shop (he can order anything) that way it is all cash and nothing is paper traced to me... cash tells no story and knows no names :-)
  8. F

    So how hard is it to invest with weed money?

    Why wouldn't you just go to Storage Auctions? That is what I do.... Go to a storage auction and buy units... there is NO transcript of what is in the unit... only a receipt that you bought the unit. Then I file taxes based on what I sold from the unit... Say you buy a unit for $100... that is...
  9. F

    Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?

    I had to... "LOL BUMP"
  10. F

    Secret grow room . . . Input needed

    Totally password protected :-)
  11. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    Get at least a 600w light. Dimmable ballasts are nice because you can turn them down to take on seeds/clones. also grow regular plants instead of autos if you can help it. I was thinking of getting a dimmer... but the autos were more for when I needed to get things running quicker, throw one or...
  12. F

    First Indoor Grow... Have a few questions.

    I am looking to start my first indoor grow and know how I am going to do it... I will be building a dresser or a hutch and that will be where this grow will take place. I will build the measurements to be whatever I get from this post. I will post the questions in an easy fashion that way...
  13. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    To clarify again.... I do NOT live with my parents... They visit every once in awhile that is where the stealth part comes in... The only thing I am worried about is Sound and Smell...
  14. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    I will snag a look in now :-) Sorry for the time I have been gone, got pretty busy the past day or two...
  15. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    I will look into that, I wouldn't mind being able to dim it.... so does your hood have pre-built holes for you to run to for cooling? I will have to buy one that does... care to post up some pics? I am pretty good at replicating photos when I build or set things up lol....
  16. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    @Grizlbr Say I had 4-6 Full Period plants at max.... what size light would I need? Is there much of a difference between CFL and HPS? I live on my own with my girlfriend, I do need it to be stealth but I am deff trying to go that route... I just would prefer them to not have any reason to worry...
  17. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    "Really would like some advice from the pros" Bump :-)
  18. F

    KushDesserts' Grow Journal - Dinafem Blue Widow

    How far are you from harvest? I am in to see how it turns out, I just got one as my freebie not to long ago.... Btw, no disrespect, nice Pellet gun in that one pic ;-) I had the same one when I was about 14 I actually think I still have it in a box somewhere.
  19. F

    Grow Setup Help/Questions....

    I am thinking of starting a new grow, I have grown outdoors with success before. My plan is to take an old dresser and gut it for a setup. That or build a dresser that looks natural myself that is ready to get a grow put in. The problem is I do not know the first thing about indoor...
  20. F

    Watering question....

    I honestly didn't think about a timer.... that would be easier.... lol Any ideas?