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  1. B

    new leaves V shaped, plus twisting

    Thanks for all the responses! Yep! I just got these babies and put them in soil on friday, so that totally makes sense. Also, I accidently bought the miracle grow with the little yellow balls that time release nutes, but I picked out as many as I could (took a long time ahah) I'll wait to...
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    new leaves V shaped, plus twisting

    Hey guys, just got some new clones, chillin in my closet, 3 plants, 1 under led, 2 under 1 27w bright light cfl. one of my clones (the trainwreck) looks super healthy but the top leaves are in a v shape and some are twisting a little bit, what's with that? humidity: 56% temp: 73 degrees soil...
  3. B

    Gross brown spots

    ah! kk i got a spray with pyrethrins. the brown spots are on some of my sugar leaves though :-\
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    Gross brown spots

    Sorry, but it is very inconclusive; it is definitely not mold. I don't think it is cal or mag deficiency since I give them both. I have no idea what these spots are, do you know? Or any advice at how to stop them from getting worse?
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    Gross brown spots

    bump for more info on mysterious brown spots please :)
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    Gross brown spots

    The white stuff doesn't rub off either, I have some outdoor plants that have powdery mildew but this one I don't think has it. I gave it dolomite lime about 2 weeks ago when I first noticed the brown spots, and some epsom salt last week, but nothing since then
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    Gross brown spots

    fo sho, I actually do use neem, every week, a spray with water, neem, and tiny bit of soap, but these guys just keep coming back :( I guess the picture's colors are pretty distorted, but the spots are brown, and they dont rub off or anything, I'm not sure its mold...
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    Gross brown spots

    Hey guys I have one plant in my closet, soil, cfls + led, 2 fans + dehumidifier, temps: 70-85, rh: 60-65%, ph meter says soil is 7.0 (but i suspect it may be lying to me) i feed with 15-30-15 food 1/3 strength every other watering The plant has been flowering for around 5 weeks now I know they...
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    Yellowing leaves and hotdog-style folding

    fed yesterday with bloom formula 15-30-15. about half strength, with some epsom salt as well. now the plant can't even support itself up I'm thinkin its on its way out, should i just try and harvest early? or is it even worth it? its only about 25 days into flowering
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    Yellowing leaves and hotdog-style folding

    yellowing is continuing to worsen. I was definitely worried about overwaterring, so I put it outside so the soil would dry better, but its been pretty overcast :( I fed it at 1/4 strength yesterday of 18-18-21. ph reads 6.7 Is there any way I could add more nutrients without watering?
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    Yellowing leaves and hotdog-style folding

    Plant looks worse today :( yellowing is reaching higher up plant and lower yellows are turning brown. If ph is where it should be, what is to explain the lockout?
  12. B

    Yellowing leaves and hotdog-style folding

    Thanks for all the help guys, i retested my ph and found that it was around 6.4. I added a small amount of dolomite lime and gave it some water, that should help ya?
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    Yellowing leaves and hotdog-style folding

    I thought so cuz i saw some burnt edges. I flushed a few days ago. checked the ph, its at 7.1. should i feed it the nutes i gave it during veg? some 18-18-21
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    Yellowing leaves and hotdog-style folding

    aight so I got this plant in my closet, 3 weeks into flowering, and I have noticed that the whole plant is turning yellowish green. Also, some of the leaves are folding downward hotdog-style, as opposed to hamburger-style plants details: soil, indoor, 1 45w led, and a bunch of cfls. ak47 fed...
  15. B

    AH my leaves!

    it is some all purpose plant food from kmart. the ratio is 15-30-15; I'll take a pic of the whole plant tomorrow, its just some of the bottoms ones that look like that though. I also have a couple other plants and their edges started to brown so I was thinking that maybe I had fed them too...
  16. B

    AH my leaves!

    No, just gave it water. The "all purpose plant food" stuff i got said only do it every two weeks, I only put in about half as much as they said to though...
  17. B

    AH my leaves!

    any ideas? roughly 10%-15% of the lower leaves look like the one in the picture. help would be greatly appreciated thanks
  18. B

    AH my leaves!

    Hey so I got this plant that is in its 2nd week of flowering, and some of the lower leaves are starting to look pretty gnarly. I know some of the lower leaves are supposed to die and stuff, but what could this be? The plant also has spider mites :( the plant is in soil, outdoors, i gave it...
  19. B

    worried about humidity

    i'm trying to do it without having to add more energy costs, but that may be my only option i suppose... also i'm thinkin about getting a chameleon, they might be down for the humid climate :-p
  20. B

    worried about humidity

    I've read that having stuff to pick up moisture also takes moisture out of the leaves of the plants so they havta be kinda far away from them, you think it would be alright at the bottom, next to the pots?