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  1. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    I finally weighed all my bud.. turns out I had 4P's to begin with when all was dryed. Now I got 3.
  2. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    Umm... are u on crack or somethin homie. If I wanted to live your life I could.. just one problem for me. There isn't enough money in this industry to satisfy me. I need to be making millions not chump change in the thousands or hundred thousands. For me.. theres soo much more to life than...
  3. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    That wasn't directed at you.. jus the part were i said no police because i covered my ends. I'm pretty relaxed and have alot more on my mind than this .. but when I get think of it I get very mad. I'm an atheist so god can suck it. Joedank is a homosexual that likes to stick his dick in my...
  4. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    Umm.. what. nah.. my shit is hella good and I got fat harvest. My plants and colas were off the hook. I don't get jacked homie.. maybe that happens to you but not me. The pack job was amatuer but it was legit enough for pretty much any situation. I put them in safeway bags.. tied'em up and...
  5. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    It's true.. 2400 is a solid price if you got chronic. If you shit is off the hook.. you can sell it for more. I'm just tryn to make some quick cash and hook it up. The better the hookup.. the faster people come back for more.
  6. jack47

    buds just aint growin

    I had the samethign happen with one of my plants.. are you giving it to much nutrients? like is there salt build up on the top soil when you go to water it??
  7. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    I honestly don't feel like I need to reply to this .. but i'm going to anyways. I don't give 2shits how I write .. i'm just angry and i'm writing like the way I'm speaking and how it happend. So.. I guess. fuck off? I'm glad you agree that it the stupidest story you ever heard .. me TOO
  8. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    No, i thats actually the wrong way to look at it. He didn't owe me anything.. but I was such a good friend in every way and I helped him out when he needed help with whatever. It's now time to shock the reality into him.. that he fucked up and he needs to get his brain crankn on how to pay...
  9. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    Me and him used to do buisness together.. and he's somewhat pretty professional guy. Someone that when you get to know and are really good boys with .. that you could trust to honestly respect, understand, and take care of my hard earn work. This absolutely caught me of guard.. and if you knew...
  10. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    check pag 4 for the run down on how it happened raven.. you won't fucking believe it
  11. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    I could care less what people think about my intelligence.. I think like the 1% of the people in the country who are wealthy. That's why I need all 3P's so I could start my business. The only reason I come on this forum.. is so I can talk to other people about shit like this.. cus i know you...
  12. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    and then theres the pot heads
  13. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    diagree.. theres the smokers and then ... theres the fiends
  14. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    For those who read this incident yesturday and wondering what the hell actually happened.. check on page 4..
  15. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    Fasho man.. good lookin out. i'ma pack my shit in a bin and hide it somewhere and not talk about anything regarding this from this point on.. on my phone.
  16. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    I don't chill out about these things.. if someone fucks up on my dollar. I think about that shit everyday.. and if the person doesn't give it me.. i'll go to there house take it from them in the form of anything. thats just what that is.. i'll come after you .. nobody gets away free and clear...
  17. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    Would they take it that far.. to finger printing and shit. I mean cus.. this guy/ my friend.. he didin't look important enough to be apart of something bigger. Your right tho.. I'ma call that number that he was texting me on from my pops phone or somethin.. jus so I know. But he solid when it...
  18. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    dude your constantly saying stupid shit.. I get it tho. Like I said tho.. i'm not fucking stupid. I can tell.. and I know my guy. Yah he fucked up for being a stupid mother fucking piece of shit.. but i'm not. I nvr txted anything about making a deal or that the bud was mine. The phone he...
  19. jack47

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    my bad for the long explanation.. but it worth reading the whole thing if you have time