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  1. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Thanks patsbrady...yeah, I'm pretty shocked at my results too! I've been studying the Harvesting and Curing stickies and I'm fairly confident I can't mess up that part too bad. I'm inspecting the trichomes through a 20x loop meant for print inspection. It appears that the trichs on the lower...
  2. B

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I'm new at this. I think I should be done in 4 days. Please weigh in.
  3. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Here are a couple pics from today. I think this lady is pretty much done. It is my first grow but I would say she gets chopped this weekend. Any reason why I should wait longer?
  4. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Need some help here guys. My concealment (sunflowers) plants all toppled over last night from some high winds. Now my plant pretty much sticks out like a sore thumb for all my neighbors to see. Can I harvest this thing now and still get some good product. trich's are all cloudy. Please...
  5. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    So my plant is budding like crazy! I've been checking the trich's and they all appear cloudy. Weather has been optimal, 85-90 degrees for the last 2 months but this weekend things are supposed to change. Low 70's and rain. Weather should turn cold by October. Any clue when this girl will be...
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    My First Grow

    I'm no expert but your plant looks totally healthy. Seems like the yellowing leaves on the bottom during flowering is totally normal. I'm on my first grow too. I never experienced any yellowing leaves until it started flowering. I imagine the plant is killing off some leaves that aren't that...
  7. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Yes you did! I thank you for your support!
  8. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    I thought I would post an update. I'm happy to say, those that were predicting male were wrong. It only started flowering about 12 days ago. Growing very quickly now. Couldn't be happier with my first plant, just had to share.
  9. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Oh next year I will for sure grow more. It was almost an accident that I found this one seed and planted it pretty much precisely when it needed to be planted. Pretty fortunate that it sprouted and has been doing so well really. I think the plant is destined to be a female given all the other...
  10. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Just checked, I count 7 nodes total (excluding the tip) and the last pictures were from the 5th. thanks for looking out for me dirrtyd! I'm considering buying some nutes to start adding via water but I've held off so I won't love it to death. It was given a dose of 14-14-14 Osmocote 2.5...
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    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    I probably wouldn't take that bet. I suspect you might be right. Oh well, I'll still probably grow it out for some seeds for next year. I'll be armed with more knowledge then anyway.
  12. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    There was some significant growth last night. I broke out the macro lens and snapped a few shots. I'm hopeful that the second image shows a pistil growing out of of that lower calyx. Regardless, I'll stop worrying about it. Should I be spraying for bugs? Notice that little guy hanging...
  13. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Thanks Dirrty. How's this?
  14. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Thanks for taking a look! Here is a closer "close-up". Hopefully I don't need to break out the macro lens :-(
  15. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Thanks dirrty. Yes, I did forget the node shot. Feedback/Direction/ Criticism welcome :lol:
  16. B

    NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!

    Hello everyone! I'm really glad I found this site! So much useful information. I found a bagseed about the first part of May. I forget the name of the strain but it was really nice so I thought I would toss it in some dirt to sprout next to some seeds my son brought home from kindergarten...