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  1. KnockWood

    Training my dog to sniff out buds

    I know dogs are trained to root out truffles. That might be a starting place place for you. I'm sure the skills are transferable. Here's a link to get you started.
  2. KnockWood

    Man's Penis Stolen by Thieves.

    What, no microchip? :rolleyes:
  3. KnockWood

    Deleting My Account?

    "Plausible deniability":
  4. KnockWood

    Dog locked in car for 24+ hours, called the cops.

    Your being so perplexed by a rather simple call is confusing. Kudos to you, PR! Compassion and empathy rank highly in my eyes.
  5. KnockWood

    300 pull a damaging flash mob at a WalMart

    This one didn't work out so well for the proprietors...
  6. KnockWood

    fan leaves fell off

    This is her Swan Song... her final push to glory! Personally, I always find harvest time and those last two or three weeks leading up to it to be a bit bittersweet.
  7. KnockWood

    Somebody shit on my site

    ...nah, I think you're cool.
  8. KnockWood

    Lady J's 12 / 12 From Seed Perpetual Closet CFL Grow

    I've been really lazy and, to tell the truth, a bit intimidated by the skilled growers here. At your urging, Lady.J, I'll get some pics taken in the next few days. 8)
  9. KnockWood

    Lady J's 12 / 12 From Seed Perpetual Closet CFL Grow

    I use 10" pots, so I'm guessing 1.75 gallon or so. I had been using 1 gal pots but for the last few weeks I found myself having to water daily and sometimes more. Now, with just 2 weeks or so from harvest, I'm still only having to water every second or third day. My light is a 200w Diamond...
  10. KnockWood

    Lady J's 12 / 12 From Seed Perpetual Closet CFL Grow

    I think Del has inspired a lot of us. I discovered the 12/12 thread just after my failed first grow, (insert moment of silence here for the victims). I found Del's thread and fell in love with this method. I have yet to try any other. In just over a year and perhaps 5 staggered runs of 1-3...
  11. KnockWood

    STEPPED UP MY GAME: 5 plants

    ...perhaps a bit unconventional, but, without a doubt, efficacious! Beautiful grow, Jeremy--lush and healthy! I love seeing happy gardens.
  12. KnockWood

    Lady J's 12 / 12 From Seed Perpetual Closet CFL Grow

    Notice the omission of less important dates--birthdays, anniversaries, and the like!... ;-).... (Just poking a little fun, KS)
  13. KnockWood

    Lady J's 12 / 12 From Seed Perpetual Closet CFL Grow

    I've found that to be the case, but I have good results using their seedling mix. There are few choices available in my area, and so I've learned to use MG products and manage to do well with them.
  14. KnockWood

    Drug test for welfare

    Elected officials should be drug tested. Hell, I'll hold the cup for the first few of the hypocritical pricks.
  15. KnockWood

    why do i do it over and over...

    Yes!, that's the one.
  16. KnockWood

    why do i do it over and over...

    ...yeah, I posted that before I saw your last post about his sometimes being a nice guy. I suppose some folks just have to be taken for what they are.
  17. KnockWood

    why do i do it over and over...

    Where did I read that someone once rolled hamster turds with some shake, or something of the sort, and passed it off to an ingrate who always bad-mouthed his weed, but who never declined to smoke it. I think you should gift him with a sample of very rare and wildly exotic cannabis rodentia...
  18. KnockWood

    N-P-K Help + kittens.

    Oh, for heaven's sake....... what was the question?
  19. KnockWood

    Who would you vote for?

    From the context of question, I'm guessing the correct answer is: C. The looney elf from Texas.
  20. KnockWood

    Who would you vote for?

    Who's got the Doritos?