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  1. H


    i have that betty crokcer mix, where you just add milk eggs and oil to the powder. is there anyway i could add like 7-10 grams or so and make them like work and taste good?
  2. H

    General question

    if i start a couple weeks inside and transfer in may, in the northern us, when should the plants be done??? Ive heard outdoor grows can last 2 months some like 5.
  3. H

    mH question

    oo well how much does the mH cost for a month wen left on 24/7 im geussin an additional 100$ to your bill?
  4. H

    mH question

    Will this mH light screw into a lamp and work fine... Buy 400 Watt Metal Halide Lamps Here!
  5. H

    will this get rid of the odor

    wait when does the smell begin...flowering only or like the whole time Also, will that ionic purifier work if placed just outside a 4x4x6 grow room?
  6. H

    will this get rid of the odor

    ELECTROSTATIC IONIC CARBON FILTER UV AIR PURIFIER NEW - Ionic air purifiers | backpack camera bags | wireless security cctv cameras will that do the job??
  7. H


    wow thanks a ton Joeblow that comment answerd liek 3 qs iw as gonna ask!
  8. H


    i wish i could use a 400wat mh i cant afford one so im usin CFLs
  9. H do u set these bad boys up

    since i only have a 15 amp outlet, will this overcharge it... 4 23 watt cfls and a one of those 4 foot 40 watters and a carbon air fliter Also i have like 5 cfls....i need them like hanging to how do i do that like do i by somethin to make them able to get plugged into outlets...this is my last...
  10. H

    will this get rid of the odor

    if im using a small box 4x4x6 inside a garage, will a table top air purifier like the one in the link below, eliminate the odor from the plants??? HEPA Tabletop Air Purifier [DH16200] - $43.99 : Custom-Built - Your Electronics Superstore, Get the Best Prices at Our Low Priced Electronics...
  11. H

    light problems

    whats the best amount of lummens per square foot???
  12. H


    wats topping it ive read about it but bascially do u cut the top of during flowering were no buds growing?
  13. H


    how do u manipulate ur plant to make it bushy?
  14. H

    wat do u use...?

    I need some names of nutrients that u use for each phase. Please le tme know what u use or what u have heard good things about i apreaciate it
  15. H

    can this work

    faralos, did u start with seedlings tho
  16. H

    help a frst timer out

    wait so i make a mother and vege the seeds How do i know if im grabbing a male or female, the clones what do i do with the mom keep her in veg? why can the sog work from seedlings tho like ditch the females
  17. H

    can this work

    wow thanks!!!!!!! im pretty much gunna copy u hit the reply i was hopin for! anyways how much does that grow normally yield (the one u got)
  18. H

    help a frst timer out

    I am confinded to a tiny 4x4x6 grow space. i was wondering if i could do a sea of green like method, and have 16 plants in that space (1 per square foot) I am starting from seedlings so i will probably end up with only 7-9 females. if this method can work what size pot should i use, 2 or 3...
  19. H

    can this work

    I am confinded to a tiny 4x4x6 grow space. i was wondering if i could do a sea of green like method, and have 16 plants in that space (1 per square foot) I am starting from seedlings so i will probably end up with only 7-9 females. if this method can work what size pot should i use, 2 or 3...
  20. H

    wat can i fit??

    well with that type of space what is the best way to grow to create the biggest yield?