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  1. F

    Stunted 10 Day Old Seedlings?!?

    Thanks everyone. Feel like such a dumba$$!!!! Everyone stresses how close CFLs need to be. Didn't think of in relation to a sensitive seedling.
  2. F

    Stunted 10 Day Old Seedlings?!?

    I think they show a tiny bit of improvement in 2 days from the lights being raised.
  3. F

    Stunted 10 Day Old Seedlings?!?

    I will water less from now on. Next grow will be Roots Organic or something else quality from a hydro store. Thanks!
  4. F

    Stunted 10 Day Old Seedlings?!?

    :leaf: bump
  5. F

    Stunted 10 Day Old Seedlings?!?

    No, I am not testing my pH (ducks and runs). Would this meter work? Autoflowers don't usually like to be transplanted. That is why I put them straight into...
  6. F

    Stunted 10 Day Old Seedlings?!?

    Two Short Stuff Onyx feminized autoflowers. Cracked on 9/12 and planted into soil, final resting pots (3.8 gallon pots). Above soil 9/14 - Day One. Soil is a mix of MG organic garden soil, MG perlite, and Burpee Organic Seed Starter. Watering with tap water set out for 24 hrs. at least...
  7. F

    Feminized Lemon Skunk Closet Grow - Green House Seeds

    How is everything coming along?