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    Hawaii Growers

    Ok, Thanks for the help guys. Hopefully the main harvest will go smoothly.
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    Another thread about mold

    I would worry. 2 days of rain/moisture plus dense bud almost ready to harvest? If the strain you're growing is mold resistant, then you'll most likely be ok, if it's only 1 or 2 days of rain. Where I'm from, rot can set in in as little as 2 days. I just cut about half an ounce of infected...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Hey guys, need some help again. So I did a trial dry/cure on some colas that I cut off early due to bud worms. Also bought a hygrometer. So I trimmed, and dried the buds for 5 days before they went into the jar. They felt over dried, but following the advice given here on earlier posts, that...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Never seen one gecko that looked like that, lived in hilo all my life. Looks cool
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    Yup, you don't need any of the flesh part. I've never put it in water, I just put the crown straight into the dirt. But starting it in water, that might be a faster way. Couldn't hurt either way. (edit) NorCal, after looking at your pics closer,I'd definitely do as reppinhigh suggested. The...
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    Hawaii Growers

    None of the rot had that white web looking shit, but I did notice that on the underside of some of the fan leaves. Where I did find that web looking crap I cut off that blade of the leaf it was on. Did a check today, didn't see anymore colas affected
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    Already???? Has to be too soon

    I've heard that trichs mature faster on the leaves than on the buds. You scoping the sugar leaves or the buds? On a related note, I've got a trainwreck diesel that looks like it pulled more diesel and it also looks (by trichs) to be finishing faster than I expected. Mines around 7 weeks though
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    Hawaii Growers

    I did pull a catapiller looking worm off one of the colas I cut off the plant. I also noticed a bunch of shade leaves had been eaten. I didn't know that it could look like budrot. Makes sense though, they haven't gotten rained on since I put the tent up, around a month ago. So If it was that...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Interesting video, although it was on PM, after I did a quick search it looks like it might also work on budrot. Might try it on the colas I removed today. Hopefully all the rot was cut out. Thanks man.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Went out to check on the girls this morning and while I was watering, I noticed what looked like a stick on one of the lower colas. So I went to pull it off, and it was a dead sugarleaf. Fckn budrot! Checked the rest of the plant, had to cut 4 colas off. Thankfully the main wasn't affected...
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    Out of curiosity, how much does pineapple cost on the mainland?
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    Hawaii Growers

    Thanks for the input guys. I was always afraid of over drying bud before I jarred them, after 3 days the bud was crispy so I thought I was good, especially since everything seemed to go how the stickies said would happen ( the bud going in crispy but then getting rehydrated in the jars, etc)...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Wassup guys. Usually I just lurk here but I got a question that is Hawaii specific. I am curious about your guys curing processes. I've read the stickies and threads about drying and curing, but seems like they are all mainland relative in respect to ambient temps and humidity. This is what I...
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    the perfect temp?

    Open containers of water will raise humidity in an enclosed space. If its in a small area, like a closet, a bucket with some water in it might be enough. In a room, maybe you'd need more than one bucket. If you have a hygrometer you can see how much of an effect one bucket will make
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    handicapped garden.

    Another thought would be a variation on raised beds, my pops is an orchid farmer and in his greenhouse some plants are set on long tables. Basically 2x4 frames but heavy duty wire screens on the tops. Pots are placed on the screens, so as not to have to bend over to cut the orchids. Planter...
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    No clonex or anything needed. Just break the crown off the pineapple when you eat it, then just plant it where ever you want. Lots of sun, water and nutes. That's all. I'm in Hawaii, that's what we do. I've seen half dead crowns that sat on the kitchen counter for over a week start to root when...
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    Seeds germing while still on plant

    So today I was picking mature seeds off my seeding plant, I noticed that there were about 8 seeds that were starting to germinate while still on the plant. (like still in the calyx). Outdoor, trainwreck/diesel. I'm thinking that the seeds germed as a result of rainy conditions recently. I have...
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    If they are spiders, don't kill em. Spiders and ladybugs are good. But if they are mites, then different story. Figure out what it is before you kill it
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    Harvesting seeds

    Thanks guys, just what I was looking for!
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    Harvesting seeds

    Long story short, I missed the window to take some clones this harvest. So I sacrificed one plant and pollinated it to get some seeds. (and I moved this plant away from the other girls) Not my first grow, but this is my first time trying to make some seeds. I can see the seeds starting to...