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  1. B

    Cut buds for later..will plant still live?

    Awesome thats all i need to hear thanks bro(: smoke healthy my dude!
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    Cut buds for later..will plant still live?

    Hey,I been growing and my plant is almost done but one bud looks ready and could be a tester.But i dont know if its going to kill the plant,because its on the branch and two other buds are growing on it.So is it okay if i cut one off and leave the branch to the plant :leaf::leaf::weed:
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    Male plants

    Do they ever give you any bud or do they give you seeds because i have an indica plant but i think its a male now soo i was seeing what to do?:peace:
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    Indica vs Sativa outdoor!?!?!?

    Hey,Everyone i have too pretty girls one is an Indica the other is a sativa.The indica is about 3feet and the sativa is about 4ft.and there in pre flower soo the indica is bout to going in flower mode but i wanted to know how much nuggs i would get for each plant? And any guess how much you...
  5. B

    Plant leaves turning purple?

    Yeha at night i keep them in my closet and my rooms pitch black but when they get sun there out side soo maybe bc my house is a little cool but that would be amaizng to have purple buds(: and its 73 degrees in the house and there only in preflower mode.
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    Plant leaves turning purple?

    Is that good and would my buds be purple too because that would be amazing because its my first plant.:joint:
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    Purple leaves! Agood thing or not?

    Plus you think i could get purple buds because its a female plant and i have purple bottom leaves soo im wonder if its a good thing or not?:joint::joint::joint::peace:
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    Yeahh but i live in the middle of no where and the highest point of the valley and its a nice neighbor hood soo no cops thts a plus(:
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    I check the profile out dude thats amazing nothing but kush it seems healthy ones too.
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    Thanks for the help man maybe if i get a pic and show u u might know what size pot it is and stuff were just beginners at this lol but if i keep them in my closet for the night and my whole room smells like skunky good then im sure will be fine and seem like everything is going well.
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    well maybe there 10" round pots..idk i just kno they look pretty tasty and smell great and like i said there 3-4ft tall now on preflower modes soo idk they seem fine.
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    Im guessing but i think there 8" Round Pots with the drains holes on the bottom
  13. B

    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    Thanks and there in pots soo he could move them around but idk how big they are but there big enough there in pre-flower mode and r 3-4ft tall plus you can see where the buds are coming in and have little white hairs form the pistils.
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    ohh no i was just wondering because he think its going to be done when there that tall..
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    you cant predict how much your gonna get for 5-6ft plants?
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    do outdoor marijauana plant get bigger buds then indoor

    I wanted to know because i have a friend that has a 3 ft plant in preflower mode but it probably grow to its six ft and has the other one but same and both females..and plus how much weed could he get for each plant growing till 5-6ft?:leaf::weed::bigjoint::joint::joint:
  17. B

    stipules dying/dead??

    yeahh man same here idk why it does that maybe maturing.?
  18. B

    Is it ok if the stipules are brown on the tip on marijuana?

    okayy i will but no those r too but im talking about the stipules how you can tell its a female or a male. but thats what i was thinking that they were maturing.
  19. B

    Is it ok if the stipules are brown on the tip on marijuana?

    Hey, everybody but my stipules turn brown on the tip and idk if thats okay but its in preflower mode i can see where the buds are coming in but those are please!:joint::weed:bongsmilie
  20. B

    Pistils/leaves turning brown?

    does anyone know is it ok if the stipules are brown on the tip on marijuana.Because mine did and i dont know if thats okay and its in preflower mode soo idk?