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  1. weednublet

    60 Day Grow?

    Haha. I've been following this thread with great interest and I've obtained some valuable knowledge. Thanks for the input guys
  2. weednublet

    It's a little late now

    It's not a matter of how much water by volume. Each medium and plant will take different amounts. You have to pretty much pick up the pot dry and water it only when it's close to that. Jab your finger down in there and if it's dry (Completely bone dry) water it til it's not.
  3. weednublet

    quick question on lighting during flowering. can anyone answer?

    Considering people grow outdoors and there are streelights/moonlight to contend with, I'd say you'll be ok, just avoid doing it in the future.
  4. weednublet

    60 Day Grow?

    Will do. Thanks.
  5. weednublet

    Can someonen confirm if this is a hermaphrodite?

    Those look like nanners to me, I could be wrong but my guess is that it's a hermie. I'm a nub, so take my wisdom at face value, haha.
  6. weednublet

    60 Day Grow?

    I'm running 16/8 at the moment. They're maybe 4-5 days old tops, would changing the light now stress them?
  7. weednublet

    60 Day Grow?

    Also. I see the roots at the bottoms of my cups, transplant? They're still small and I can post pics if need be
  8. weednublet

    60 Day Grow?

    No shit huh? So, there is no indicator of when it's ready to flower? You just get it the size you want it and switch it? Crazy. That's two weeks from clone or seedling?
  9. weednublet

    newb question

    Yeah man, don't worry about that until it comes time to sex though.
  10. weednublet

    newb question

    No. You generally want to avoid herms. You can get feminized seeds from herms but you stand a good chance at those seeds herming out as well. You want females, everything else is a waste unless you're breeding.
  11. weednublet

    newb question

    They'll either be female or herm. Good luck.
  12. weednublet

    60 Day Grow?

    I know it's possible to do a sixty day grow but I have a few question as to the ramifications. I'm currently doing some learning grows. As it stands I have 11 seedlings in miracle grow potting mix. According to Scott's website, the fert ratios are well within range of Widow's prescribed ratio...
  13. weednublet

    Low cost SoG setup?

    Rubbermaid totes was the plan, since they'll fit best in the closet and I can put several netpots in each.
  14. weednublet

    Low cost SoG setup?

    Cool beans man. I'll get that air pump for sure. I know this is probably a duh, but I plan to get a 50 gallon tote as a res for 4 10gallon totes, think I can swing that?
  15. weednublet


    Couldn't say for sure. Though I know some people pinch to keep their plants short. Good luck mate.
  16. weednublet

    Where do I top my plant?

    Can't win em all bro. Now we know and can apply it next grow, right? It's all part of the learning process :P
  17. weednublet

    How to create a strain

    I'm with doser. This is really advanced shit, best left to the pros.
  18. weednublet

    Where do I top my plant?

    Thank you, sir. +rep
  19. weednublet

    Where do I top my plant?

    I was more so asking than anything. See the '?' haha :P
  20. weednublet

    First Grow, How does she look so far?

    According to Al-b-Fuct (Resident Guru) the plants can't break down complex sugars like molasses. Is it for something else?