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  1. H

    Under Current system, Sealed room, 6k lights, High Humidity problem

    jiji Yes 20% does sound unreal I total agree, but I would like to bring it down to 50% towards the end thats my sweet spot. What kind of equipment are you and everyone else using to achieve that. I have a total of almost $5000 invested in those two dehumidifiers listed just for that one room...
  2. H

    Under Current system, Sealed room, 6k lights, High Humidity problem

    ttystikk That wall of green is beautiful, g-damn son....beautiful. Thanks to you I am going to tighten my day and night temps even more, thanks friend.
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    Under Current system, Sealed room, 6k lights, High Humidity problem

    ttystikk Thank you for your response friend , if you own a set up like ours your better know something about VPD=Vapor Pressure Deficit . I don't see any evidence of VPD burning on leaves and condensation is at a minimum. I have a tight control on day vs night temps I believe. jiji I am not...
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    Under Current system, Sealed room, 6k lights, High Humidity problem

    I am on my second run with this set up: Completely seal room with Co2 6x 1000 lights Under Current 28 site system (I took a 32 site system and removed 4 buckets) mini split A/C system 30k btu's two 24" air king fans 1 hp water chiller IPonic environmental controller 165 gal reservoir to feed...
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    Bubble System vs. Aeroponics!

    Hey are you still monitoring this thread, are you still looking for answers??
  6. H

    100% Sealed room with CO2 enrichment, vent dump during lights off ??

    Chuck es..... Thank you for the video, informative. As far as the room having the capabilities to vent in case on an emergency is smart to incorporate. Using a strategy of vent during the off cycle is a different topic all together and I'm not seeing the benefit here. If I am running a sealed...
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    100% Sealed room with CO2 enrichment, vent dump during lights off ??

    I am wondering how beneficial this really is or is it unnecessary all together. I guess one of the question would be: Does the air in a sealed environment get stale. Personally i believe the fact that CO2 is being introduced in is to keep it from being just that. Does the plants need or use...
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    100% Sealed room with CO2 enrichment, vent dump during lights off ??

    I agree 100%, thank you for chiming in ATG. :clap: Come on guys you aren't giving blood here, just you opinion.(:
  9. H

    100% Sealed room with CO2 enrichment, vent dump during lights off ??

    Difference of opinion. I for one believe that a grow room that is 100% sealed and enriched with CO2 DOES NOT NEED A VENT DUMP DURING THE OFF CYCLE, if ever during a grow. I have a friend who believes that it is beneficial to vent dump during the off cycle to move out any build up of excess CO2...
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    Anyone from Columbus OHIO

    Anyone in Columbus OHIO on here want to hangout with other 420 type people?? Hit me up:bigjoint:
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    Anyone from Columbus OHIO

    Thanks bro. how can I move a thread????
  12. H

    Anyone from Columbus OHIO

    Anyone in Columbus OHIO on here want to hangout with other 420 type people?? Hit me up.:bigjoint:
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    how do I move my post to a different section

    how do I move my post to a different section
  14. H

    Bud Traders New Format ???????????WTF

    Is it me or has Bud Trader changed it's format. Now I have been out of the loop for about 6 months, I was out of the coun.....ok I was in jail.....wait this isn't about me. I mean I remember going to the calif. tab, clicking the 1lb under the cannabis section and wah-la. All of the most recent...