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  1. M

    12 12 and still nothing

    ive had my plant in 12 12 for almost 2 months and i still cant see the sex of the plant.. am i doing something wrong?
  2. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    yeah im running a fan on it now and i dont need to burry it anymore i did it once to help it when it fell over the first week. thanks though! :bigjoint:
  3. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    thanks alot guys so for about another week or so ill do just water and keep it on the 12 12 schedule. also it was streching but i have fixed it and it has gotten alot stronger, the structure of the plant
  4. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    so for now just strictly water untill the cotyledons fall off?
  5. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    so for nute burn should i go with just normal water for alittle bit?
  6. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    yeah the im using cfls
  7. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    the pot is heavier when i pick it up to, so should i still give it more water?
  8. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    its almost a month old i have it in 12 12 to find out its sex and its seed starting miracle gro and schultz plant food 10 15 10 and its tap water but i let it sit for a few days before i use it, i read somewhere that its easier on the plant if you let it sit, im still a nood!!
  9. M

    can anyone tell me the problem?

    the plant looks amazing for my first ever grow i was curious if its a male or female its really hard to tell, i think i see pistols but im not sure and also 2 leaf tips are dead and i was wondering what the problem is
  10. M

    new here.. literally a week in!

    yeah i got you i just switches rooms with my brother so were in the process of taking all his stuff out of there
  11. M

    new here.. literally a week in!

    alright thanks alot man i post more pictures so i keep you updated, any input is helpful! :lol:
  12. M

    new here.. literally a week in!

    12 hours light 12 hours dark**
  13. M

    new here.. literally a week in!

    thank you, i have heard it give her little tiny splits that make it grow stronger, is it a good time to start doing 12/12?
  14. M

    new here.. literally a week in!

    here they are sorry if the one is turned, and i know i am probably approaching this grow the wrong way but locally have no supplies close but im trying!
  15. M

    alittle help!

    ill post pictures in a few minutes, the cameras charging but im growing indoors in my closet with a 65watt indoor flood light and its about 3 to 4 inches tall and today it has fallen over so i stacked it, it was because i had it stretching for light so i now have the light alot closer, maybe...
  16. M

    new here.. literally a week in!

    ill post pictures in a few minutes, the cameras charging but im growing indoors in my closet with a 65watt indoor flood light and its about 3 to 4 inches tall and today it has fallen over so i stacked it, it was because i had it stretching for light so i now have the light alot closer, maybe...