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  1. S

    The 12/12 from rooted clones thread

    just wanted to drop in and ask a quick question. I have four planted clones that were clipped one week into flowering with no buds showing dipped in a root fertilizer then a root powder and planted in a soil mix with root growth powder mixed in (small amount). So far they are 4 weeks old and...
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    4 weeks 2 days into WW with cal-mag deficiency??

    I do not know what is GH WW? a strain i assume?
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    4 weeks 2 days into WW with cal-mag deficiency??

    run off is 6.8 (with just water not nutes)
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    4 weeks 2 days into WW with cal-mag deficiency??

    Ok new thread.... I have been investigating and reading a lot lately on plant issues and problems. This stared when I noticed the yellow and rust-brown spots forming on the leaves in large areas. In the past week I have determined the pics here are signs of a cal-mag deficiency. I have...
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    i have ordered odds and ends for projects all over the house from them and every time its a piece of cake.
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links this web site is an online catalog I found one day. You have to scroll through these links but here are a few things that might be of interest.... A few nice and cheap microscopes including hand held with uv, usb microscope, pocket microscopes...
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    carbon filter question.

    You can purchase a digital timer and set the fan to exchange air for say 30 min on the hour and reduce its actual run time to 12 hours which will help the fan last longer. but make sure the space is sealed if the fan is off or the dankness will escape
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    My water tests highly alkaline like deep red, with the MG it tests out at 7.5 (1tbs-1gallon). My soil also then tests out alkaline 8.5 checked by a friends digital meter. So i add 1 tbs (1/2 at a time checking ph both times) 5% vinegar per gallon water to reduce the water to around 6.5-6.0 in...
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    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    I also am using a holmes air purifier with two hepa filters and it works great. the only thing I did different was i bought mine at goodwill for 8 bucks and it had filters already in there. so I went bought some carbon and then cut out the old hepa filter material took a filter for your floor...
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    I am in the process of gathering info on products that are easiest to maintain and begin my learning curve a little softer the second time through0 . thanks for the tips guys any journals that come to mind of people growing with depot supply's?
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    well your dealing with another newbee that had not found the blessing of the RIU forums before I started growing. SOOOOOO I am using completly inferior tools, soil, and ferts. Hell I was even using indescent plant lights to start my very first clone. But I then went to floros and have now...
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    alotaball could you please elaborate a little more? Could the spots be related to the bulging joints, as well as the red stems and trunk? I think I am starving her but i am not sure since I am using a substrate with time released ferts, and that has been flushed (high PH and over fed). I feel...
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    so you are still thinking SM? would these spots just show up in a matter of days with mites? these were healthy leaves and then right after I sprayed they started to show up.
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    no neem oil in town went with only organic stuff I could find. contains geraniol 3% rosemary oil 2% peppermint oil .4% other 94.6% ( water, white mineral oil, wintergreen oil, polyglyceryl oleate, lecithins, nitrogen) here are a few more of the plant and its leaves.
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    lol too damn funny! I have checked both plants over from stem to bud on every branch and the cola. There are no signs of spider mites, there was a bit of dust and way to much hair for my liking however. Could the eco-smart fogger I used kill them all off and leave no signs 4 days later. I...
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    MG Bloom buster is 15-30-15 this plants leaves are a softer pale green where as the others is a dark glossy green. there are no signs of spider mites, also this went from green leaves to what you see now in a day maybe two. The only visible bugs are the gnats but as I stated before this plant...
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    yellow spots unsure of what to do...

    White widow soil 7.0-7.5 (water adjusted to 6.5-6.0) 600W HPS 3 weeks 1 day into flowering I am attempting to decipher what my plants are telling me. My one lady has yellow spots all over her upper leaves. I believe it is burn marks from when I recently fogged for gnats that are plaguing my...
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    2 questions reguarding temps and light schedule

    anyone? WTF I cant post a reply with less than 10 characters!? end rant:::::::::::::
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    2 questions reguarding temps and light schedule

    I wanted to ask two questions i have been working on.. When to turn the fans off? My instinct says let them shut off before the light to heat the tent up to sustain higher temps the entire night. Currently I have the fans shut off about 15 min before the lights do at 9 pm. The temps rise from...