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  1. L

    Crowding clones produces hermies?

    are they clones,veg bloom ? how old are they? are they from seed ? are u in 12/12 or 18+ hrs of light a day ?
  2. L

    clones wont root

    i use rockwool too and sometimes the holes are to big and the stem dont make contact, even when u squish the top into the stem 75% of the stem still isnt touching .i make a new hole in the cube beside the pre made one and use a pc of stem i cut off a mom to make the holes just alittle smaller ...
  3. L

    stunted growth. plants growing bushy but not vertical. help please!!??

    the little ones look like they need food , where are u getting your water ? if you ph is to hight or low it only makes some nuti available ... the big one looks like your tops were cut to make it go bushy , what are u using for light ?
  4. L

    what to do with waste?

    left over make hash oil butter , soil throw in ditch.,lake, away from home , plastic and metel think green and recycle
  5. L

    What exactly do my plants want?

    element limits nitrogen 250 calcium 200 mag 80 pho 80 potas 300 sulfur 400 copper 0.5 boron 1.0 iron 5.0 manga 2.0 moly...
  6. L

    Harvest time? (Pics!!!)

    yea i would wait 2-3 more weeks , looks like u still got a alot of white hairs , wait till they turn brown then amber , if u got a x10 magnifying glass , look at the resin gland they should be in one of 3 stages clear translucent or milky white then amber ,, hope it helps
  7. L

    Does it look ready?

    what kind of strain is it? , to be honest it looks like its 5-6 weeks into bloom .. didnt lose track did ya !
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    2nd week of flowering. question about the fan leaves.

    some growers do remove some fan leaves the last weeks of bloom , i do not touch leaves unless 50% or more is damaged , plants need all there leaves to produce the max amount of chlorophyll and food !
  9. L

    Fan Leaves drooping. over all healthy and growing plant.

    no thats only used in veg , try cal-max
  10. L

    10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?

    yea i should of put that in there , they say 1 light per bedroom in a house shouldnt have no problems ever
  11. L

    metal halide or t5 for veg ???

    depends on how many plants , i use about 10 t5 for 200 clones and first 2-3 weeks of veg, then turn on a 1000w mh for 2-3 weeks to get alot of sites hope it helps
  12. L

    Fan Leaves drooping. over all healthy and growing plant.

    i would spray with st8 water ph6 twice a day for 3 -4 dayz then flush really good (3 times the water the container would hold) with a very mild micro nuti and 1/4 bloom food ...
  13. L

    10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?

    yup got to think 1 baseboard heater can be up around 4000 watts ! my buddy dont grow and he got a 4 bedroom and his bill is 900 every 2 months ..
  14. L

    What are these white spots?

    yea thrips and mites do that , are u spraying with the light on ! looks like alittle heat stress too ..
  15. L

    10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?

    i run about 10,000 watt in the winter and my bill is about 1000 to 1200 every 2 months , its a 4 bedroom house , they called and asked after about 2 years and i told them im useing ele heat now instead of oil , they said fine not a problem they thought there was a mistake on there end , its now...
  16. L

    Fan Leaves drooping. over all healthy and growing plant.

    could be to much water too , i would let the soil dry out alittle bit , looks like u use buckets so u shouldn't need to water every 2-3 days try going 4-5 , by leting them dry out alittle, makes them thrive . while u are leting them dry out spray the leaves with ph water to flush some of the...
  17. L

    air tight flowering room, a few questions.

    damper is good to have anyway for the little bit they cost , if its cold and your fan is off you dont want that cold air going back into your room . silicon or foam , u could put a pipe though, and seal around it with silicon and use the pipe as alittle intake for the room . hope it helps