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  1. ravendarkangelx

    Bad Spice Trip

    so SWIM and I was smoking spice upstairs. nothing new to me, but earlier tonight while we were smoking i guess i just smoked too much. it started as a normal spice high but soon after i started feeling a little light headed. i just figured i smoked too much as i smoke too much weed sometimes and...
  2. ravendarkangelx

    how safe is buying seeds online? (in US)

    i'm sure there's probably threads like this already but i couldn't seem to find em. like selling/buying seeds are perfectly legal, it's the germination that they...well frown upon right?
  3. ravendarkangelx

    name of this strain? (pic)
  4. ravendarkangelx

    name of this strain? (pic)

    nvm found it
  5. ravendarkangelx

    will this suffice as a SCROG

    thinking about painting it white though. good idea?
  6. ravendarkangelx

    will this suffice as a SCROG

    the big squares are the 2" ones, small ones are about 1/3 of a inch
  7. ravendarkangelx

    will this suffice as a SCROG

    i'll trim em
  8. ravendarkangelx

    will this suffice as a SCROG

    made out of a gutter guard, holes are about 2" wide, plastic
  9. ravendarkangelx

    When to harvest this white widow...

    wish my dog didn't eat pot, every time i have a bag i have to make sure to take it out of my pockets so i don't see my dog's head in it
  10. ravendarkangelx

    1st grow in a PC case, 125W envirolight 2700k, auto big bang and auto jack

    this is all i needed to see to know that my pc case is big enough to produce good green. gj man
  11. ravendarkangelx

    good thing to use for SCROG?

    so i found a unused roll of a gutter screen i'm thinking if i just cut the screen so the spaces are a little bigger that this would be great to use as a scrog. opinion?
  12. ravendarkangelx

    pc case or small locker. (got measurements)

    so found a small locker out back. it's much taller than the pc case but skinnier. heres the measurements: 14” (1.16666’)L 14”(1.16666’)H 6.5” (0.541666’)W PC CASE 10” (0.833333’)L 29¾" (2.47916’)H 12½" (1.04166’)W LOCKER...
  13. ravendarkangelx

    suggested strain for small pc growbox (nirvana+white rhino or lowryder#2+AK47?)

    so it was suggested that i buy seeds because of my height limitation so i browsed Attitude for some good seeds. i'm caught between nirvana + white rhino and lowryder #2 +AK47. Anyone have any suggestions? my growbox is gonna be super small (14"H 14"W 6.5"L) although i'm looking for a taller...
  14. ravendarkangelx

    What would be the best way to make a SCROG??

    umm yeah nvm don't use chicken wire lol, use this guide looks good
  15. ravendarkangelx

    Need help with first grow set up

    need measurements dude
  16. ravendarkangelx

    What would be the best way to make a SCROG??

    i've heard good things about chicken wire
  17. ravendarkangelx

    what can i expect from a first time possesion charge of about 2 grams and a bowl

    ehh forget that, forgot it was only 2g's, be super easy to eat it w/o being seen
  18. ravendarkangelx

    what can i expect from a first time possesion charge of about 2 grams and a bowl

    if teh police catch u eating it though, won't it be under destruction of evidence?
  19. ravendarkangelx


    lol same, it might be because of the state i'm in but i really don't care about being caught on camera buying shit or using a bank card to buy supplies/seeds online. it's just, meh
  20. ravendarkangelx

    SCOG and the distance from it and the plants and/or lights

    i don't want a scrog in from the start right? i wanna wait till the seeds a plant?