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  1. shizizzle

    Breaking Bad or Weeds

    Breaking bad gotta be one of the best shows ever, so sad it ended
  2. shizizzle

    day 34 of flower, help with diagnosis please

    Thank you for the help, I've given the m-b twice, first time was on week 3, and I gave a half dose, and then again on week 4 a 3/4 dose, your correct it is 0-50-30. I just gave them each 3 litres of ro water, ill let them dry out and then have them back on my schedule without the m-b. Thanks...
  3. shizizzle

    day 34 of flower, help with diagnosis please

    Here is a couple pics of some of my plants, a few leaves on each plant are starting to turn brown and curl up, I was thinking maybe a magnesium deficiency?? Its been happening for 2 weeks now and gradually getting worse, starting to worry. Anyone else having any guesses on what it is?? I am...
  4. shizizzle

    How many lights would you put in this room?

    I am starting another flower room. It is 11' x 8.5' and 8ft ceilings. HOw many 1000w hps would give enough coverage, planning on vegging for 8 weeks and having 12 "tree's" in it, hanging the bulbs vertically. I was thinking of going with 6 x 1000w, but worried it might be too small of a room...
  5. shizizzle

    Midflower Lockout, Salts? Water stress

    I know that nitrogen toxicity can cause dark green color and 'canoeing' leaves, could be something to look at.
  6. shizizzle

    Whats Wrong w/ These Plants??? 3 1/2 weeks from seed

    I agree, looks like it could be getting overwatered, also the dark green could possibly be too much nitrogen, but I would let them dry out completely, then cut back a bit on the amount of water you are giving them and see how they respond.
  7. shizizzle

    7 Days into flower, somethings wrong.

    Thanks guys. by the looks of that, it seems like it is a Iron deficiency. I will check my runoff ph, and see if my ph is above 6.5 somehow. If it is, should I just flush with 6.3 water to lower the soil ph, and then should i give it something to correct the deficiency or will it be available...
  8. shizizzle

    7 Days into flower, somethings wrong.

    The strain is pk, is this the beginning of nitrogen deficiency? Im growing in promix hp, following the GH feed chart ( . My ph is 6.3 - 6.5, havent tested the run off ph, think it could be ph problem?
  9. shizizzle

    Veg plants flowering...why?

    I have had clones start flowering in my 18-6 veg room when they were 8 days old, 5% of them started flowering and the other 95% were fine. It happened right after I started foliar feeding with a new product so I chalked it up to the introduction of the new food somehow triggered some into...
  10. shizizzle

    drying shriveling twisting leaves

    could be heat stress, 88 seems way to hot and 20% humidity is low. you should try to keep it around 75 and 40%
  11. shizizzle

    First week in flower, some deficiency

    So its been 3 days of lowered co2 ppm (set it to 900), and one day of having the room vented for 30 minutes 3 times a night when the lights are off. 90% of the curling of the leaves is gone, so I am happy with that! The 3 plants that are showing the yellow/white leaves still arent showing...
  12. shizizzle

    what are these spots is that mites

    take a look under the leaves, if its mites you should be able to see them or their eggs, will look like tiny white or black specs, or traces of the webs they make.
  13. shizizzle

    First week in flower, some deficiency

    I have it set to 73 degrees, the temperature around the plants fluctuates a little bit when the ac is on/off
  14. shizizzle

    First week in flower, some deficiency

    I never water them when they are still wet, the ones in the pic look really wet as I had just flushed them with a clearing solution before the pics. I was given the nutrient chart by my buddy, he swears he uses it, were both doing same strain (PK). Ive been having problems with mites, i...
  15. shizizzle

    First week in flower, some deficiency

    I alternate water and food, it usually works out to every 2 days. I wait until the soil is dry on the top couple inches, and always pick them up to see if they are heavy or light. I give them 2 litres each, they are in 5 gallon pots with promix hp.
  16. shizizzle

    First week in flower, some deficiency

    Here is a couple pics in normal light. Do you think I should stop using co2 all together, or should i just set up my intake and exhaust to run when the lights are off?
  17. shizizzle

    First week in flower, some deficiency

    Purple Kush in 5g pots with promix hp. Just flipped to flower 7 days ago, on day 4 leaves began to curl a bit. Also noticed some leaves are starting to yellow while the veins stay green. Any help narrowing down the deficiency as I believe a few nute deficiencys will cause the yellowing. The...
  18. shizizzle

    Having nutrient problems, just had water tested.

    Sorry took so long to update this, my water was way too cold, like 3 degrees, so I got a water heater and warmed it up to around 20. I got a digital ph pen, so I can keep the ph under control and be a little more accurate. I now have been making sure to adjust my water/food to 6.2-6.3. I...
  19. shizizzle

    Having nutrient problems, just had water tested.

    I'm having nutrient problems with my crop, I am on a community watershed and just recently started getting what looks to be nute lockout/deficiency. I went and got my water tested to see if something in it was the problem, and got these results, just been having difficulty understanding them...
  20. shizizzle

    4k watt medical

    i dont know if you said this already, maybe I didnt see , but how long are you vegging for, and under what?